Ayurvedic Tablets (Vati or Gulika) – Introduction, how to prepare & preserve

Vati, gutika or gulika are synonyms to indicate pills or tablets in Ayurvedic system of medicine. Generally, the intake of Ayurvedic medicines is a big challenge for most of us due to its bitter and astringent taste. Most of the people accept this challenge to cure their diseases and some of them cannot. Vati or […]

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Bhasma – Preparation, Characteristics & Preservation

Bhasma is an Ayurvedic medicine. It is in the form of powder made from a substance obtained by calcination (Bhasmikarana). Bhasma is usually applied to calcinated metals, minerals and animal products which are, by special Ayurvedic processes, calcined in closed cruibles in pits and with cow dung cakes (Puta). Now a days modern bast furnace

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Avaleha or Lehyam – Introduction, Preparation & Preservation

  Avaleha or Lehyam is one of the forms of Ayurvedic medicine which is semi-solid in consistency. It is prepared from mentioned drugs or herbs with the addition of Gur (jaggery), Sharkara (sugar or sugar candy) and boiled with prescribed Swarasa (drug juice) or Kwatha/ Kashayam (decoction). Avaleha is also termed as Modaka, Guda, Khanda,

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Asava Arishta – Characteristics and Method of Preparation

Asava Arishta is special Ayurvedic medicine made by soaking herbs (the drugs), either in the form of dry powder or decoction – liquid (Kashaya/ kwatha), in a solution of jaggery or sugar. It is kept such for a specified period of time so that it undergoes a process called Sandhana kriya (fermentation) This fermentation generates alcohol which

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Amritarishta (also spelt as Amritarishtam, Amritarishtha) is an Ayurvedic classical medicine commonly used in all types of fever either acute or chronic. It is also good to be used in lack of immunity, decreased platelets counts, gouty arthritis, and more over as a tonic.Read Asava Arishta – Characteristics and Method of PreparationIngredients of AmritarishtaAmritarishta is a multi-herbal

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Abhayarishta also spelt as Abhayarishtam, Abhayarishtha is an Ayurvedic medicine used mainly for the digestive system. It is very much effective in Vata dominance and does Vatanulomana. It is used in gastritis, abdominal bloating, abdomen fullness, non-bleeding piles, chronic constipation etc.Read Asava Arishta – Characteristics and Method of PreparationIngredients of AbhayaristaFollowing herbs or raw material

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Shastrokta Rasa shala – Classical Ayurvedic pharmacy set up

Rasa shala= Bheshajgara= Ayurvedic Pharmacy AYURVEDIC PHARMACY In Ayurvedic pharmacology, pharmacy is a well advanced branch.  Crude drugs are rarely administered, various formulations ranging from simple distillates (arka), decoctions (Kwatha), linctus (leha, avaleha) and powders (churna) to elaborate pharmaceutical preparations like pills of different sizes and medicated oils are available.  In liquid formulation too a

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