Amritarishta (also spelt as Amritarishtam, Amritarishtha) is an Ayurvedic classical medicine commonly used in all types of fever either acute or chronic. It is also good to be used in lack of immunity, decreased platelets counts, gouty arthritis, and more over as a tonic.

Read Asava Arishta – Characteristics and Method of Preparation

Ingredients of Amritarishta

Amritarishta is a multi-herbal formula made after a process of natural fermentation. Following herbs or raw materials are used to prepare Amritarishta -

  1. Amrita (Guduchi)
  2. Bilva
  3. Shyonaka
  4. Gambhari
  5. Patala
  6. Agnimantha
  7. Shalaparni
  8. Prishniparni
  9. Brihati
  10. Kantakari
  11. Gokshura
  12. Water for decoction
  13. Guda or jaggery

Prakshepa Dravyas - These are the drugs or herbs added at the last and no heating or boiling is done after adding these prakshepa dravyas. The drugs act as flavouring agents, stimulator, enhances fermentation etc.

  1. Ajaji (Sveta jiraka)
  2. Raktapushpaka (Parpata)
  3. Saptacchada (Saptaparna)
  4. Shunthi
  5. Maricha
  6. Pippali
  7. Nagakeshara
  8. Abda (Musta)
  9. Katvi (Katuka)
  10. Prativisha (Ativisha)
  11. Vatsabija (IndraYava)

How to Use (Dosage)

The recommended dosage of Amritarishta is 10 to 20 ml mixed with equal quantity of lukewarm water twice a day after meal for adult and half dosage for children.

Adult: 10- 20 ml + equal water, after meal

Children: 5- 10 ml + equal water, after meal

Indications and Uses

It is used in All types of Jvara (Fever), gout, thrombocytopenia, lack of immunity (ojo kshaya), general debility, weakness, burning sensation of hands and feet etc.

  1. Fever (acute or chronic)
  2. Respiratory or skin allergy
  3. Rhinitis
  4. Thrombocytopenia (decreased platelets count)
  5. General debility or weakness
  6. Typhoid or enteric fever
  7. Gouty arthritis
  8. Rheumatoid arthritis


It is not recommended in person with following problems-

  1. Diabetes- As jaggery is one of the ingredients, it should be not be used in diabetes.
  2. Hyperacidity- Due to its sour taste, it should be avoided in hyperacidity and ulcers.
  3. Ulcers- Amritarishta may worsen the conditions in the case of ulcers or ulcerative colitis.

Side effects

Amritarishta, while taken under medical supervision for the prescribed time period never cause any side effects.

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