Ayurvedic Tablets (Vati or Gulika) – Introduction, how to prepare & preserve

Vati, gutika or gulika are synonyms to indicate pills or tablets in Ayurvedic system of medicine. Generally, the intake of Ayurvedic medicines is a big challenge for most of us due to its bitter and astringent taste. Most of the people accept this challenge to cure their diseases and some of them cannot. Vati or gulika (Ayurvedic tablets) are the most important and most palatable form of Ayurvedic medicine and are very easy to consume without making our taste buds unpleasurable.

This post covers-

  1. Introduction to Vati or Gulika
  2. Method of preparation
  3. Preservation and expiration
  4. Examples of vati

What does Vati (Ayurvedic tablets) mean

The Ayurvedic medicines which are prepared in the form of tablet or pills are known as Vati and Gutika. These are made by a single herb, multi-herbal combination, with or without some purified minerals and/ or purified material of animal origin.

Method of preparation of Vati (Ayurvedic tablets)

The Vati or gulika are usually prepared on the basis of Ayurvedic principles and methods described in the classical Ayurvedic text and Ayurvedic formulary of India (AFI). The steps of Vati (Ayurvedic tablets) preparation can be summed up as below-

  1. The mentioned material of plant origin is first dried and made into fine powders, separately. The minerals, if mentioned in the formula are made into Bhasma or Sindura (purified forms of minerals).
  2. In cases of any formula, where Parada (mercury) and Gandhaka (sulphur) are mentioned, Kajjali (purified and consumable form of mercury and sulphur) is made first and other drugs are added to it, one by one.
  3. The above ingredients- herbs, bhasma or kajjali are put into a khalva (mortar and pastel) and ground to a soft paste by adding prescribed fluids.
  4. In some formula, there is more than one liquid are mentioned. In that case, they are used in succession.
  5. After the properly grounding of the material, the mass starts becoming a soft paste and is in a condition when it can be made into pills, Sugandha Dravyas (aromatic and flavouring materials) like Kasturi, Karpura, or any other which are mentioned in the formula, are added and grounded again.
  6. Then, the paste when becomes non-sticky while rolled to the fingers; pills of required sized are made by hand (manually) or by pills making machine or tablet punching machine (automatic)
  7. If specified in reference text, pills may be dried either in shade or under the sun.
  8. In some formula, sugar or jaggery (Guda) or Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) or Babool (Acacia arabica) gum resin is mentioned as binding material. In that case, these should be processed or liquefied over the mild fire and removed from the fire. Then the powders of the ingredients are added to the liquid and briskly mixed. The pills are made from the paste and dried in the shade.

Preservation & Expiry date (shelf-life)

  • The Vati or gulika which are made of herbal raw materials when kept in airtight containers can be used for two years.
  • Vati or gulika which contains minerals can be used for an indefinite period if preserved properly means they do not have any expiry date.
  • Vati or Ayurvedic tablets should not lose their original colour, smell, taste and form.
  • When sugar, jaggery, salt or Kshara is an ingredient, the Vati or Ayurvedic tablets should be kept away from moisture.

Examples of Vati (Ayurvedic tablets)

  1. Chandraprabha Vati
  2. Eladi Gulika
  3. Dhanwantaram Pills
  4. Arogyavardhini Vati
  5. Pushpadhanva Rasa etc.


Vati or gulika are nothing but an Ayurvedic medicine in the tablet or pills form. These are palatable and easily consumable. Vati is also easy to carry and preserve.

Similar: Asava Arishta – Characteristics and Method of Preparation | Guggulu Preparations – How to Purify, Prepare & Preserve

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