
Kumaryasava (also spelt as Kumaryasavam) is an Ayurvedic medicine available in liquid form. It is beneficial for digestive problems like indigestion, bloating, abdominal distension, piles, ulcer and loss of appetite. It is also recommended in various urinary and gynaecological problems. It is termed due to its active ingredient Kumari (aloe vera).

Read Asava Arishta & Characteristics and Method of Preparation

Ingredients of Kumaryasava

  1. Kumari rasa (Ghrit Kumari) 12.288 L
  2. Guda 4.800 kg
  3. Makshika (Madhu) 2.400 kg
  4. Pakva Loha (Lauha) bhasma 24 g
  5. Shunthi 24 g
  6. Maricha 24 g
  7. Pippali 24 g
  8. Lavanga 24 g
  9. Tvak 24 g
  10. Ela (Sukshmaila) 24 g
  11. Patra (Tejapatra) 24 g
  12. Nagakeshara 24 g
  13. Chitraka 24 g
  14. Pippali mula 24 g
  15. Vidanga 24 g
  16. Gajapippali 24 g
  17. Chavika (Chavya) 24 g
  18. Hapusha 24 g
  19. Dhanya (Dhanyaka) 24 g
  20. Kramuka (Puga) 24 g
  21. Katurohini (Katuka) 24 g
  22. Musta 24 g
  23. Haritaki 24 g
  24. Bibhitaka 24 g
  25. Amalaki 24 g
  26. Rasna 24 g
  27. Devadaru 24 g
  28. Haridra 24 g
  29. Daruharidra 24 g
  30. Murva 24 g
  31. Madhursa (Yashtimadhu) 24 g
  32. Danti 24 g
  33. Pushkaramula (Pushkara) 24 g
  34. Bala 24 g
  35. Atibala 24 g
  36. Kapikacchu (Atmagupta) 24 g
  37. Trikantaka (Gokshura) 24 g
  38. Shatapushpa (Shatahva) 24 g
  39. Hingupatri 24 g
  40. Akallaka (Akarakarabha) 24 g
  41. Utingana 24 g
  42. Shveta Punarnva 24 g
  43. Rakta Punarnava 24 g
  44. Lodhra 24 g
  45. Dhatumakshika (Makshika) bhasma 24 g
  46. Dhataki 384 g

(Reference: Sharangadhara Samhita, Madhyama khanda, Adhyaya: 10; 18-27 1/2).

The quantity of each ingredient shown here is as per the text. It may be changed accordingly as per your requirement.

Dosage of Kumaryasava

12 - 24 ml mixed with equal quantity of water twice a day after meal.




  1. Agnimandya (Digestive impairment)
  2. Paktishula (Duodenal ulcer)
  3. Parinama Shula (Duodenal ulcer)
  4. Udavarta (Condition in which there is upward movement of Vayu)
  5. Mutrakricchra (Dysuria)
  6. Prameha (Urinary disorders)
  7. Ashmari (Calculus)
  8. Raktapitta (Bleeding disorder)
  9. Apasmara (Epilepsy)
  10. Shukra Dosha (Vitiation of semen)
  11. Krimi (Helminthiasis/ Worm infestation)
  12. Smriti Kshaya (Loss of memory)
  13. Daurbalya (Weakness)
  14. Udara roga (Diseases of abdomen/ enlargement of abdomen)
  15. Karshya (Emaciation)
  16. Kshaya (Phthisis)
  17. Aruchi (Tastelessness)
  18. Vaivarnya (Discolouration)

Therapeutic Uses

  • In digestive impairment, Kumaryasava is recommended in prescribed dose along with Chitrakadi Vati or Agnitundi Vati (125-250 mg) twice a day after meal.
  • In duodenal ulcer, it is used along with Kamdudha Ras (125mg), Shankha Vati (125mg) and Kutaj Vati (125mg) twice a day after meal.
  • In condition in which there is upward movement of Vayu (a type of bloating or gastric trouble), it is used along with Hingwashtaka Churna or Shivakshar Pachan (2-5 gm) twice a day after meal.
  • In dysuria, Kumaryasava is taken in prescribed dose along with Chandraprabha Vati (500mg), Gokshuradi Gugul (500mg) and Punarnavadi Vati (250mg) twice a day after meal. Also, Shwet Parpati (125mg) is advised 1 hour before a meal twice daily with Dhanyak Panak (coriander leaf juice).
  • In urinary disorders, it is taken in prescribed dose along with Chandraprabha Vati (500mg), Gokshuradi Gugul (500mg) and Punarnavadi Vati (250-500mg) twice a day after meal.
  • In urinary and gall bladder calculus, it is taken twice a day in prescribed dose. Also, Pashanbhed Churna (2-5 gm), Punarnavadi Vati (250mg) and Chandraprabha Vati (500mg) are recommended.
  • In bleeding disorder, 15 ml of Kumaryasava is mixed with 15 ml of Chandanasava or Ushirasava and 30ml water. This mixture is taken twice a day along with Bolbaddha Ras (250mg).
  • In epilepsy, Brahmi Vati (125-250mg) or Manasmitram Vati (125mg) and Kalyanaka Kashayam (15 ml + 60 ml water) are taken twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and dinner. Kumaryasava is taken twice daily after a meal. Kalyanaka Ghritam or Brahmi Ghritam (10 - 20 ml) is taken after dinner with lukewarm milk.
  • In vitiation of semen, it is taken along with Chandraprabha Vati (500mg) and Gokshuradi Gugul (500mg). Shukramatrika Vati (250mg) may also be added.
  • In helminthiasis/ worm infestation, it is taken twice a day in recommended dose mixed with equal quantity of Vidangasava (and water) along with Krimikuthar Ras (125-250 mg).
  • In the loss of memory, Kumaryasava (15 ml) is mixed with Saraswatarishta (15 ml) and water (30 ml) and taken twice daily after a meal. Smriti Sagar Ras (125 mg) and Brahmi Vati (125 mg) is also added to this.
  • In weakness, it may be mixed with Lohasava and taken in prescribed dose. Also, Shatavari Churna (3-5 gm) and Ashwagandha Churna (2 gm) are recommended.
  • In diseases of abdomen/ enlargement of the abdomen, Punarnavasava (15 ml) is mixed with it and diluted in 30 ml of water and taken twice a day after a meal. In ascites, Jalodarari Ras (125 mg) and Punarnavadi Vati (250 mg) are also added.
  • In emaciation and phthisis, Kumaryasava is taken twice daily in prescribed dose. Shatavaryadi Churna (3-5 g) and Chitrakadi Vati (250 mg) are also added.
  • In tastelessness, it is taken along with Chitrakadi Vati (250 mg) twice a day after a meal.
  • In discolouration of the body, it is prescribed along with Punarnavadi Mandur (250 mg)

Side Effects, Pregnancy Safety & Precaution

  1. Classically prepared Kumaryasava is the best medicine for duodenal ulcer and hyperacidity. But, it is better to avoid it in patients with ulcers and hyperacidity due it's suspicious quality available in the market.
  2. Not recommended in diabetes.
  3. It should be avoided during pregnancy.
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