Ushirasava (also spelt as Ushirasavam) is an Ayurvedic medicine available in liquid form. It is commonly recommended for general weakness, as a muscular and nervine tonic, useful in various neurological problems, mania, psychosis, epilepsy and digestive impairment.

Read Asava Arishta & Characteristics and Method of Preparation

Ingredients of Ushirasava

  1. Ushira 48 g
  2. Balaka (Hrivera) 48 g
  3. Padma 48 g
  4. Kashmarya (Gambhari) 48 g
  5. Nilotpala (Utpala)  48 g
  6. Priyangu 48 g
  7. Padmaka 48 g
  8. Lodhra 48 g
  9. Manjishtha 48 g
  10. Dhanvayasa 48 g
  11. Patha 48 g
  12. Kiratatikta 48 g
  13. Nyagrodha 48 g
  14. Udumbara 48 g
  15. Shati 48 g
  16. Parpata 48 g
  17. Pundarika (Kamala) 48 g
  18. Patola 48 g
  19. Kanchanaraka (Kanchanara) 48 g
  20. Jambu 48 g
  21. Shalmali niryasa (Shalmali) 48 g
  22. Draksha 960 g
  23. Dhataki 768 g
  24. Water 24.576 L
  25. Sharkara 4.800 kg
  26. Kshaudra (Madhu) 2.400 kg
  27. Mansi (Jatamansi) Q.S. for dhupana
  28. Maricha Q.S. for dhupana

(Reference: Bhaishajyaratnavali, Raktapittadhikara: 137-141)

The quantity of each ingredient shown here is as per the text. It may be changed accordingly as per your requirement.

Dosage of Ushirasava

12 to 24 ml mixed with equal quantity of water twice a day after meal.




  1. Raktapitta (Bleeding disorder)
  2. Pandu (Anaemia)
  3. Kushtha (Diseases of skin)
  4. Prameha (Urinary disorders)
  5. Arsha (Haemorrhoids)
  6. Krimi (Helminthiasis/ Worm infestation)
  7. Shotha (Inflammation)

Therapeutic Uses

  • In bleeding disorder, it is highly recommended in prescribed dose. Bolbaddha Rasa (125-250mg) and Punarnavadi Mandur (250-500mg) is also advised twice a day before or after a meal.
  • In anaemia, Ushirasava (15ml) and Lohasava (15ml) mixed with 30ml of water is taken twice a day after a meal. Also, Punarnavadi Vati or Dhatri Loh (250-500mg) is added.
  • In diseases of the skin, Ushirasava is taken along with Kaishore Gugulu (500mg) and Gandhak Rasayan (125-250mg) twice a day after meal. Mahamanjishtharishta (15ml) may also be mixed with Ushirasava if needed.
  • In urinary disorders, it is taken with Chandraprabha Vati (500mg) and Gokshuradi Gugul (500mg) twice a day after a meal.
  • In haemorrhoids or bleeding piles, Arshakuthar Ras (250mg), Bolbaddha Ras (125-250mg) and Triphala Guggul (500mg) are taken with Ushirasava twice a day after a meal.
  • In helminthiasis or worm infestation, Krimikuthar Ras (125-250mg) and Arogya Vardhini Vati (250mg) is taken along with Ushirasava (15ml) mixed with Vidangasava (15ml) and 30ml water twice a day after a meal.
  • In inflammation, Ushirasava is taken in prescribed dose twice a day after a meal. Also, Yograj Guggul (500mg) and Punarnavadi Vati (250mg) are taken twice a day. In the inflamed area, Dashanga Lepa or Jatamayadi Lepa is applied as recommended.

Side Effects, Pregnancy Safety & Precaution

  1. No side effects reported.
  2. It should be taken with precaution in persons with hyperacidity.
  3. Not recommended in ulcers and diabetes.
  4. It should be taken with precaution during pregnancy.


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