Ashwagandharishta (also spelt as Ashwagandharishtam) is an Ayurvedic medicine available in liquid form. It is commonly recommended for general weakness, as a muscular and nervine tonic, useful in various neurological problems, mania, psychosis, epilepsy and digestive impairment.

Read Asava Arishta & Characteristics and Method of Preparation

Ingredients of Ashwagandharishta

  1. Ashwagandha 2.400 kg
  2. Musali 960 g
  3. Manjishta (Manjishtha) 480 g
  4. Haritaki 480 g
  5. Haridra 480 g
  6. Daruharidra 480 g
  7. Madhuka (Yashti) 480 g
  8. Rasna 480 g
  9. Vidari 480 g
  10. Partha (Arjuna) 480 g
  11. Mustaka (Musta) 480 g
  12. Trivrit 480 g
  13. Ananta (Shveta Sariva) 384 g
  14. Shyama (Krishna Sariva) 384 g
  15. Shveta Chandana 384 g
  16. Rakta Chandana 384 g
  17. Vacha 384 g
  18. Chitraka 384 g
  19. Water for decoction 98.304 L reduced to 12.288 L

Prakshepa Dravyas:

  1. Makshika (Madhu) 14.400 kg
  2. Dhataki 768 g
  3. Shunthi 96 g
  4. Maricha 96 g
  5. Pippali 96 g
  6. Tvak 192 g
  7. Ela (Sukshmaila) 192 g
  8. Patra (Tejapatra) 192 g
  9. Priyangu 192 g
  10. Naga (Nagakeshara) 96 g

(Reference: Bhaishajyaratnavali,  Murcchadhikara: 13-19)

The quantity of each ingredient shown here is as per the text. It may be changed accordingly as per your requirement.

Dosage of Ashwagandharishta

12 to 24 ml mixed with equal quantity of water twice a day after meal.




  1. Murccha (Syncope)
  2. Apasmara (Epilepsy)
  3. Shosha (Cachexia)
  4. Unmada (Mania/Psychosis)
  5. Karshya (Emaciation)
  6. Arsha (Haemorrhoids)
  7. Agnimandya (Digestive impairment)
  8. Vataroga (Disease due to Vata dosha)

Therapeutic Uses

  • In syncope, Ashwagandharishta is taken twice a day after meal. Brahmi Vati (250mg) and Gorochandi Vati (125mg) is also advised crushed and mixed with honey or water along with it. 
  • In epilepsy, it is used in recommended dose along with other Medhya Aushadhi. Kalyanaka Kashayam (15ml + 60ml water) and Brahmi Vati (500mg) or Manasmitram Vatakam (125mg) is taken twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and dinner. Kalyanak Ghritam (10-20 ml) is also recommended along with these medicines. It should be taken half an hour after dinner with lukewarm milk or water.
  • In cachexia, Ashwagandharishta is advised twice a day after a meal in prescribed dose. Balashatavaryadi Kashayam (15ml+ 60ml water) is also taken twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and dinner along with Shatavaryadi Churna (5gm).
  • In mania and psychosis, Ashwagandharishta is taken mixed with Saraswatarishta (15ml mixed with 60ml water) twice a day after a meal. Unmadagajankush Rasa (125-250mg), Roupya Bhasma (12-24mg), Abhraka Bhasma (75mg), Mukta Pishti (12mg- 24mg) is mixed together with honey and taken along with Kalyanaka Kashayam (15ml + 60ml water) twice a day 1hour before breakfast and dinner. Kalyanaka Ghritam or Mahapaishacha Ghritam (10-20 gm) is also advised with lukewarm milk or water half an hour after dinner.
  • In emaciation and weight loss, it is taken twice a day after meal. Karshyahar Lauh (125mg), Amla Tablet (250-500mg) and Shatavari Tablet are also recommended twice a day along with this.
  • In haemorrhoids or piles, Ashwagandharishta is taken mixed with Abhayarishta (and 60ml water) twice a day after a meal. Arshakuthar Rar and Kachnar Guggul is also recommended with this. In a case of bleeding piles, Bolbaddha Ras (250mg) is also added. 
  • In digestive impairment, it is taken together with Kumaryasava (15ml) mixed with 60ml water twice a day after a meal. Chitrakadi Vati (250mg) and Shankha Vati (250mg) is also added.
  • In disease due to Vata dosha, Yogaraj Guggul or Trayodashang Guggul (500mg), Chandraprabha Vati (500mg) is taken twice a day after a meal along with Ashwagandharishta. In some special cases, Brihat Vata Chintamani Ras (125mg) is also recommended with it.

Side Effects, Pregnancy Safety & Precaution

  1. No side effects reported.
  2. It should be taken with precaution in persons with hyperacidity.
  3. Not recommended in ulcers and diabetes.
  4. It should be taken with precaution during pregnancy.


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