Aravindasava (also spelt as Arvindasava or Aravindasavam) is an Ayurvedic medicine available in liquid form. It is the best drug of choice for all types of paediatric problems like digestive impairment, loose motion, loss of appetite, emaciation, general weakness, undernutrition and psychosis. It is also used in adult for the same problems and as a dietary supplement. Arvindasava is named by its main ingredient Arvinda which is a synonym of the lotus flower.

Read Asava Arishta & Characteristics and Method of Preparation

Ingredients of Aravindasava

    1. Aravinda (Kamal) 48gm
    2. Ushira 48gm
    3. Kashmari (Gambhari) 48gm
    4. Nilotpala (Utpala) 48gm
    5. Manjishtha 48gm
    6. Ela (Sukshmaila) 48gm
    7. Bala 48gm
    8. Mansi (Jatamansi) 48gm
    9. Ambuda (Musta) 48gm
    10. Shariva (Shveta Sariva) 48gm
    11. Shiva (Haritaki) 48gm
    12. Bibhita (Bibhitaka) 48gm
    13. Vacha 48gm
    14. Dhatri (Amalaki) 48gm
    15. Shathi (Shati) 48gm
    16. Shyama (Trivrit) 48gm
    17. Nilini (Nili) 48gm
    18. Patola 48gm
    19. Parpata 48gm
    20. Partha (Arjuna) 48gm
    21. Madhuka 48gm
    22. Madhuka (Yashtimadhu) 48gm
    23. Mura 48gm
    24. Draksha 960gm
    25. Dhataki 768gm
    26. Water 24.576 L
    27. Sharkara 4.800kg
    28. Makshika (Madhu) 2.400kg

Note: Shveta Trivrit may be used as a substitute for Nilini.

(Reference: Bhaishajyaratnavali, Balarogadhikara : 185-189)

The quantity of each ingredient shown here is as per the text. It may be changed accordingly as per your requirement.

Dosage of Aravindasava

3 to 12 ml mixed with equal quantity of water twice a day after meal




  1. Agnimandya (Digestive impairment)
  2. Karshya (Emaciation)
  3. Bala kshaya (Loss of strength/ immunity)
  4. Sarva Balaroga (All types of Paediatric conditions)
  5. Graha Dosha (Psychosis)

Therapeutic Uses

  1. In digestive impairment in children, Sitopladi Churna (250 mg to 2 gm) mixed with 1-2 gm of honey twice a day half an hour before a meal is recommended. Aravindasava is taken in prescribed dose twice a day after a meal mixed with equal quantity of water.
  2. In emaciation, loss of strength and immunity, it is used twice a day after meal. Also, Shatavaryadi Churna (2-5gm) may be taken with milk in morning. In children, Bala Chaturbhadra Rasa (125mg to 250mg) is also recommended.
  3. In psychosis in children, Aravindasava is prescribed with Kumar Kalyan Ras (75mg to 125mg) and Brahmi Vati (125mg to 250mg). A gentle head massage with Ksheerabala Tail is also recommended.

Side Effects, Pregnancy Safety & Precaution

  1. No side effects reported.
  2. It should be taken with precaution in persons with hyperacidity.
  3. Not recommended in ulcers and diabetes
  4. It is safe to consume during pregnancy.


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