Ayaskriti is an Ayurvedic medicine available in liquid form. It is used in anaemia, worm infestation, urinary problems, anorexia (loss of appetite), piles, obesity etc. 

Read Asava Arishta & Characteristics and Method of Preparation

Ingredients of Ayaskriti

  1. Asana 960 g
  2. Tinisha 960 g
  3. Bhurja 960 g
  4. Shvetavaha (Arjuna) 960 g
  5. Prakirya (Lata Karanja) 960 g
  6. Khadira 960 g
  7. Kadara (Shveta Khadira) 960 g
  8. Bhandi (Shirisha) 960 g
  9. Shinshapa 960 g
  10. Meshashringi 960 g
  11. Pitachandana 960 g
  12. Raktachandana 960 g
  13. Shvetachandana 960 g
  14. Tala 960 g
  15. Palasha 960 g
  16. Jongaka (Agaru) 960 g
  17. Shaka 960 g
  18. Shala 960 g
  19. Kramuka 960 g
  20. Dhava 960 g
  21. Kalinga (Kutaja) 960 g
  22. Chagakarna (Ajakarna) 960 g
  23. Ashvakarna 960 g
  24. Water for decoction 98.304 litre and reduced to 24.576 litre
  25. Guda 9.600 kg

Prakshepa Dravyas:

  1. Kshaudra (Madhu) 1.536 kg
  2. Vatsaka (Kutaja) 48 g
  3. Murva 48 g
  4. Bharangi 48 g
  5. Katuka 48 g
  6. Maricha 48 g
  7. Ghunapriya (Ativisha) 48 g
  8. Gandira 48 g
  9. Ela (Sukshmaila) 48 g
  10. Patha 48 g
  11. Ajaji (Shveta jiraka) 48 g
  12. Katvanga (Araluka) 48 g
  13. Ajamoa (Ajamoda) 48 g
  14. Siddhartha (Sarshapa) 48 g
  15. Vacha 48 g
  16. Jiraka 48 g
  17. Hingu 48 g
  18. Vidanga 48 g
  19. Pashugandha 48 g
  20. Pippali 48 g
  21. Pippali mula 48 g
  22. Chavya 48 g
  23. Chitraka 48 g
  24. Nagara (Shunthi) 48 g
  25. Tikshnaloha Patra (Lauha) 768 g

Pralepana Dravyas - for internal coating:

  1. Pippali Churna Q.S.
  2. Kshaudra (honey) Q.S.
  3. Ghrita Q.S.

Pralepana Dravyas - for external coating: 

  1.     Jatu (Laksha) Q.S.

(Reference: Ashtangahridaya, Chikitsasthana: Adhyaya 12: 28-31, 1/2)

The quantity of each ingredient shown here is as per the text. It may be changed accordingly as per your requirement.

Dosage of Ayaskriti

10 to 20 ml mixed with equal quantity of water twice a day after meal




  1. Pandu (Anaemia)
  2. Prameha (Urinary disorders)
  3. Arsha (Haemorrhoids)
  4. Shvitra (Leucoderma/Vitiligo)
  5. Kushtha (Diseases of skin)
  6. Aruchi (Tastelessness)
  7. Krimi (Helminthiasis/Worm infestation)
  8. Grahani (Malabsorption syndrome)
  9. Sthaulya (Obesity)

Therapeutic Uses

  1. Pandu (Anaemia) - In anaemia, Ayaskriti 10ml and Punarnavasavam 10ml should be taken together and mixed with 20ml of water. It may be consumed twice a day after meal.
  2. Prameha (Urinary disorders) - In urinary disorders, it may be taken twice a day after meal. Also, Chandraprabha Vati (500mg), Gokshuradi Gugul (500mg) and Punarnavadi Mandur (250mg) may also be taken twice a day after meal.
  3. Arsha (Haemorrhoids) - In piles or haemorrhoids, Arshakuthar Ras (250mg), Triphala Gugul (500mg) and Punarnavadi Mandur (250mg) may be taken twice a day after a meal along with Ayaskriti (15ml+ 15ml water).
  4. Shvitra (Leucoderma/Vitiligo) - In leucoderma, Ayaskriti is taken in the above-mentioned dosage twice a day after meal. Also, Bakuchi Churna (2gm), Giloy Sattva (500mg), Prawal Pishti (250mg) should me mixed together and taken twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and dinner. Arogyavardhini Vati (250mg), Kaishore Gugul or Swayambhuva Gugul (500mg) and Punarnavadi Vati (500mg) is also advised twice a day after a meal along with these medicines.
  5. Kushtha (Diseases of skin) - In various types of skin diseases, Kaishore Gugul (500mg) and Arogyavardhini Vati (250mg) in Vata or Kaphaj skin conditions (or Gandhak Rasayan 250mg in Pittaj skin problems) can be taken along with Ayaskriti in prescribed dosage twice a day after meal.
  6. Aruchi (Tastelessness) - In tastelessness and loss of appetite Ayaskriti is advised to be taken twice a day after a meal in the prescribed dosage. Also, Chitrakadi Vati (250mg) or Eladi Vati (250mg) should be chewed twice or thrice a day.
  7. Krimi (Helminthiasis/Worm infestation) - In worm infestation, Krimikuthar Rasa (250mg) and Arogyavardhini Vati (250mg) should be taken with Ayaskriti twice a day after meal.
  8. Grahani (Malabsorption syndrome) - In malabsorption syndrome and IBS, Ayaskriti is advised twice daily after a meal in prescribed dosage. Also, Panchamrit Parpati (125mg), Chitrakadi Vati (250mg) and Shankha Vati (250mg) can be taken twice a day half an hour before a meal.
  9. Sthaulya (Obesity) - In obesity and weight gain Arogyavardhini Vati (250mg), Punarnavadi Mandur (500mg) and Medohar Gugul (500mg) can be taken twice a day after a meal along with Ayaskriti in prescribed dosage.

Side Effects, Pregnancy Safety & Precaution

  1. No side effects reported.
  2. It should be taken with precaution in persons with hyperacidity.
  3. It should be avoided during pregnancy.


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