Gandhak Vati (Gutika/ tablet) is an Ayurvedic medicine mainly used in the diseases of digestive system like loss of appetite, indigestion or digestive impairment and dyspepsia. It is also useful in abdominal gas, bloating and flatulence. Rogadhikara (drug of choice) of Gandhak Vati is Agnimandya.

Read Ayurvedic Tablets (Vati or Gulika) - Introduction, how to prepare & preserve

Ingredients of Gandhak Vati

  1. Rasa (Parada) - Shuddha
  2. Gandhaka - Shuddha
  3. Shunthi
  4. Lavanga
  5. Maricha
  6. Saindhava Lavana
  7. Suvarchala (Sauvarchala Lavana)
  8. Chanakamla (Chanaka)
  9. Mulaka kshara (Mulaka)
  10. Nimbuka drava (Nimbu)

(Reference: Bhaishajyaratnavali, Agnimandyadhikara: 143-146)


1 tablet (500 mg) twice a day


Lemon juice, lukewarm water


  1. Agnimandya (Digestive impairment)
  2. Ajirna (Dyspepsia)

Therapeutic Uses

  1. In Agnimandya or digestive impairment, it may be taken with Kumaryasava or Mustarishta (15ml+15ml water) twice a day after meal.
  2. In dyspepsia, it may be taken with Shankha Vati (250mg) and Punarnavadi Vati (500mg) twice a day after meal. Kumaryasava or Rohitakarishta (15ml+15ml water) may also be added to these medicines.
  3. In abdominal bloating and gastritis, it should be taken with Arogyavardhini Vati 250mg and Shankha Vati (250mg) twice a day after meal with lukewarm water.
  4. In Kaphaj Vibandha (consitpation), it should be taken with Abhayarishta (15ml+15ml water) twice a day after meal.
  5. In patients with skin diseases of Kapha dominance, Gandhak Vati should be used with Khadirarishta (15ml+ 15ml water) twice a day after meal.

Side Effects, Pregnancy Safety & Precaution

  • Gandhak Vati contains ushna virya dravyas, so should be taken with precaution in Pittaj problems.
  • It should be avoided in gastric and peptic ulcers.
  • Kamdudhar Rasa or Muktahsukti Pishti (125mg) should be added while giving to patients with history of acidity, sour belching or epigastric pain
  • It should be taken with precaution or better to avoid in hyperacidity and heartburn.
  • Pregnancy: It should be avoided in pregnancy.
  • It is recommended to use this medicine only under the supervision of a good Ayurvedic physician.


Gestizyme Capsules : Best medicine for loss of appetitie and digestive impairment.
Livy Capsules : A Natural Liver Protective & Tonic
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