Khadiradi Vati (Gutika/ tablet) is an Ayurvedic medicine mainly used in the diseases or mouth and buccal cavity. It is useful in halitosis, mouth ulcers, stomatitis, tonsillitis etc. Rogadhikara (drug of choice) of Khadiradi Vati is Mukha Roga according to Charaka Samhita and Kasa according to Yoga Ratnakara. In this article, we will discuss Khadiradi Vati according to both references.

Read Ayurvedic Tablets (Vati or Gulika) - Introduction, how to prepare & preserve

Ingredients of Khadiradi Vati

(Reference: Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Adhyaya 26: 206-214)

  1. Khadira sara (khadira)
  2. Arimeda (vit khadira)
  3. Water for decoction
  4. Chandana (Shveta chandana)
  5. Padmaka
  6. Ushira
  7. Manjishtha
  8. Dhataki
  9. Ghana (Musta)
  10. Prapaundarika
  11. Yashtyahva (Yashti)
  12. Tvak
  13. Ela (Sukshmaila)
  14. Padma (Kamala)
  15. Kesara (Nagakesara)
  16. Laksha
  17. Rasanjana (Daruharidra)
  18. Mansi (Jatamansi)
  19. Haritaki
  20. Bibhitaka
  21. Amalaki
  22. Lodhra
  23. Balaka (Hrivera)
  24. Haridra
  25. Daruharidra
  26. Phalini (Priyangu)
  27. Ela (Sukshmaila)
  28. Samanga (Lajjalu)
  29. Katphala
  30. Vacha
  31. Yavasa (Yavasaka)
  32. Agaru
  33. Pattanga
  34. Gairika
  35. Anjana (Srotoajana)
  36. Lavanga
  37. Nakha (Vyaghranakha)
  38. Kakkola (Kankola)
  39. Jatiphala
  40. Karpura

(Reference: Yogaratnakara, Kasachikitsa: Page 353-354)

  1. Khadira (Khadira)
  2. Paushkara (Pushkara)
  3. Shringi (Karkata Shringi)
  4. Katphala
  5. Dvijayashtika (Bharangi)
  6. Haritaki
  7. Lavanga
  8. Shunthi
  9. Maricha
  10. Pippali
  11. Ativisha
  12. Karavi (Krishnajiraka)
  13. Yasa (Yavasaka)
  14. Amrita (Guduchi)
  15. Brihati
  16. Kantakari
  17. Akshaka (Bibhitaka)
  18. Khadira
  19. Da·ima- tvak kvatha for bhavana
  20. Kshudra kvatha (Kantakari) for bhavana
  21. Khadira kvatha (Khadira) for bhavana
  22. Ardraka rasa (Ardraka) for bhavana
  23. Babbula tvak kvatha for bhavana
  24. Babbula patra kvatha for bhavana
  25. Atarusha jala (Vasa) for bhavana










1 tablet (250 mg) to be sucked 4 to 5 times a day Or to be crushed or taken with honey.


Lukewarm water, honey


  1. Mukha Daurgandhya (Halitosis or bad breath)
  2. Mukha Paka (Stomatitis)
  3. Danta Roga (Diseases of tooth)
  4. Danta shaushirya (Dental caries)
  5. Danta Krimi (Dental caries)
  6. Gala Roga (Diseases of throat)
  7. Aruchi (Tastelessness)
  8. Chaladanta (Loose tooth)
  9. Mukhajadya (Restricted movement of jaw)
  10. Asya Roga (Diseases of buccal cavity)
  11. Kasa (Cough) - Yogratnakar
  12. Shvasa (Dyspnoea/Asthma) - Yogratnakar

Therapeutic Uses

  1. In halitosis (bad breath), Khadiradi Vati is to be sucked 3-5 times a day and Kumaryasava or Jeerakaristam (15ml + 15ml water) twice a day after meal.
  2. In Mukha Paka (Stomatitis), it is used in prescribed dose with Kamdudha Ras (125mg), Chandanadi Vati (250mg) and Avipatikara Churna twice a day.
  3. In Danta Roga (Diseases of the tooth), it is used along with Arogyavardhini Vati (250mg) and Apamarga Moola churna (250mg) twice a day after meal.
  4. In Danta Krimi (Dental caries), it is used in the above dosage with Kaishore Guggul (500mg), Krimikuthar Ras (250mg) and Vidangasava (15ml+15ml water) twice a day after meal.
  5. In Gala Roga (Diseases of the throat), 250mg of Khadiradi Vati is crushed and mixed with Sitopladi Churna (250mg), Prawal Pishti 125mg) and taken with honey or Chyavanprash.
  6. In Aruchi (Tastelessness), it is used with Mustarishta or Kumaryasava (15ml+ 15ml water) twice a day after meal.
  7. In Chaladanta (Loose tooth), it should be sucked 3-4 times a day. And paste of Apamarga mool is to be applied over gums and kept for a while.
  8. In Mukhajadya (Restricted movement of jaws), it is used with Yograj Guggul (500mg). Mahanarayan Oil or Murivenna Oil or Mahamasha Oil is massaged gently externally and then mild fomentation is given after placing Katphal patra (jackfruit leaf) over jaws (mandibular joint).
  9. In Kasa (a dry cough), it is taken with Talisadi Churna and in wet cough with Sitopladi churna twice a day 1 hour before a meal.
  10. In Shvasa Roga (Dyspnoea/ Asthma), it should be taken with Nayopayam Kashayam 20ml, Lakshmi Vilas Rasa 250mg twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and dinner. Dashmoolajeerakarishtam (15ml + 15ml water) may be taken twice a day after meal. Chyavanprasha or Swasijeevanam may also be added to these medicines.

Side Effects, Pregnancy Safety & Precaution

  • No specific side effects reported.
  • It is safe to consume in pregnancy.


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