Mandura Preparations – How to prepare, purification & expiry date

Mandura preparations are a type of Ayurvedic medicine where Mandura Bhasma or Shuddha Mandura is the main ingredient added to other drugs. Usually, they are indicated in Pandu Roga (Anaemia), Pliha Roga (Splenic disease), Grahani (Malabsorption syndrome), shotha (Inflammation), Vishamajvara (Intermittent fever), Arsha (Haemorrhoids), Kushtha (Diseases of skin), Krimi (Helminthiasis/ Worm infestation) etc.

In this article, I will explain you in brief on below headings –

  1. Method of preparation
  2. Characteristics
  3. Preservation & expiration

Mandura Preparations

  1. Purified Mandura is used in all Mandura medicines.
  2. Mandura is purified by a special method by boiling it in Gomutra (cow’s urine) till it becomes a Rasakriya (a paste).
  3. In the above paste, the powders of herbs as mentioned in the formula are added and stirred well to make a thick paste.
  4. Tablets can be made from it while warm or this can be kept for cooling and then stored in powder form.


  1. Mandura medicines have a strong smell of Gomutra (cow’s urine) because it is used in for purification.
  2. They are dark, brownish in colour.

Preservation & Expiration

They should be preserved in glass or HDPE pet bottles away from moisture.

They keep their potency (shelf-life) for the indefinite time.


  • Punarnavadi Mandura – Used in liver diseases, anaemia, kidney diseases, swelling and inflammation, UTI, renal stone, indigestion, piles, hypothyroidism, obesity etc.
  • Mandura Vatakam – Useful in Anaemia, Tastelessness, Inflammation, Stiffness in thigh muscles, Urinary disorders, Haemorrhoids), Diseases of skin, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Splenic diseases etc.
  • Triphaladi Mandura – Indicated in Amlapitta (dyspepsia and acidity)
  • Taramandura Guda – Indicated in deuodenal ulcer, jaundice, anaemia, inflammation, digestive impairement, piles, malabsorption syndrome (IBS), worm infestation, obesity etc.
  • Shothari Mandura – Anasarca (generalised oedema)

So, this is all about Mandura based medicines (Mandura preparations) in brief. Hope you understood the topic. Your comments and queries are highly appreciated.

Related: Bhasma – Preparation, Characteristics & Preservation

Lauha Preparations – How to prepare, characteristics & expiry date


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