3 Best Remedy for Running Nose

Everyone in their life suffers from running nose. Go through this article which will help you to know about 3 best remedy for running nose. The funny reason behind choosing this topic today is that I just recovered from running nose within 24 hours using one of the remedies which I am sharing below.

remedy for running nose

Followings are 3 best remedy for running nose

1st Remedy –

This is the best remedy for running nose which I am using since 10 yrs for my patients, my family and for myself. Take Trikatu Churna 20 gm, Prawal Pishti 10 gm and Godanti Bhasma 10 gm. Mix all three and take 2 to 3 gm (half teaspoon) with honey or lukewarm water three times a day for three to five days. These herbs are available in any Ayurvedic shop. Trikatu churna contains ginger, pippali and black pepper in equal quantity. These are safest drugs and do not need any special precaution. You will get relief from 2nd day onwards. This will reduce fever and body ache which is usually associated with running nose or common cold and flu.

remedy for running nose


2nd Remedy – 

Another remedy for running nose is described here – Take 11 Tulasi leaves (holy basil), 1/2 inch piece of ginger (ardraka/ adrak) and 2 black pepper (marich, kali mirch). Crush and add in 2 cups of boiling water. Boil it till it reduces to half means 1 cup. Filter the tea and add 2 teaspoon honey and drink twice a day morning and at bedtime. Do not take anything even water after drinking this tea. Diabetic patients are advised to avoid honey and drink the tea alone.

3rd Remedy – 

Take freshly prepared Tulasi (holy basil) and Adraka (ginger) juice 5 ml each and mix with 5 ml of honey. Take this orally for three times a day. Diabetic patient should avoid honey.

  • Use of Chyavanprash along with these remedies will be an added advantage.
  • Drink only lukewarm water whole day.

All these three natural (herbal) remedies are personally experienced by me, so anyone can try. Feel free to ask me through a comment if you have any query.

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