Jayanti – Sesbania sesban

Jayanti Sesbania sesban is a medicinal plant. It is known for its use in sore throat, cervical lymphadenopathy and for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also used as a best medicine for Scorpion sting.

  • Botanical Name of Jayanti – Sesbania sesban, Sesbania aegyptiaca, Aeschynomene elongata, Aeschynomene aegyptiaca, Aeschynomene sesban, Sesbania tchadica or Sesbania punctata.
  • Family Name of Jayanti is Fabaceae.

Classical Categorization

In Ayurvedic classics, plants have been categorized under Varga and Gana. Like wiseJayanti Sesbania sesban  comes under –

  • Acc. to Raja Nighantu – Shatahvadi Varga
  • Acc. to Kaiyadeva Nighantu – Aushadhi Varga
  • Acc. to Dhanvantri Nighantu – Guduchyadhi Varga
  • Acc. to Bhavaprakasa Nighantu – Guduchyadhi varga
  • Acc. to Priya Nighantu – Haritakyadi Varga

Vernacular Names

Jayanti Sesbania sesban is known by different names in different languages.

  • Arabic – Saisaban, Torero
  • English – Common sesban, Egyptian Rattle pod, Egyptian Sesban, Egyptian River hemp, Yellow wisteria tree.
  • Gujarati – Rayasingan
  • Hindi – Jait, Jayanti, Jhijham
  • Malayalam – Kitannu
  • Marathi – Jayat
  • Tamil – Asnaparni
  • Telugu – Mallasominta, Jalugu, Sominta
  • Odiya – Joyontri

Sanskrit Synonyms of Jayanti Sesbania sesban

In Ayurveda, many synonyms of Jayanti Sesbania sesban plant has been described in Sanskrit. Few of them are listed below –

  • Jayanti – Daughter of Lord Indra
  • Jaya – Victorious
  • Jayantika – Banner of Indra
  • Nadeyi – River born
  • Vijaya – Victorious
  • Harita
  • Sukshma mula
  • Balamota
  • Aparajita – Which can’t be defeated
  • Vikranta

Systemic Classification

  • Kingdom – Plantae
  • Phylum – Angiosperms
  • Class – Magnoliatae
  • Subclass – Rosidae
  • Order – Rosales
  • Family – Fabaceae
  • Genus – Sesbania
  • Species – sesban

Useful Parts of Jayanti Sesbania sesban

  • Mula (roots)
  • Twak (stem bark)
  • Patra (leaves)
  • Pushpa (flowers)
  • Phala (fruits)
  • Beeja (seed pod)

Therapeutic Uses of Jayanti Sesbania sesban

Jayanti Sesbania sesban can be used externally or internally according to diseases.

External Uses of Jayanti Sesbania sesban

  • Warm Kalka (paste) of leaf is applied to Vidradhi (abscess) and vriddhi (over growth or tumor) and in sandhi shotha (inflammation of joints).
  • Decotion of Jayanti Sesbania sesban is useful in cleansing wound.
  • Lepan (application) of leaves is useful in Khalitya (baldness) and Palitya (premature greying of hairs).
  • Paste of seeds or roots is applied as vedana sthapana (analgesic) in scorpion bite.
  • Paste of leaves is useful in galaganda (goiter), Kushtha (chronic skin disease) and kandu (itching).

Internal Uses of Jayanti Sesbania sesban

  • Beeja choorna (seed powder) or patra swarasa (leaves juice) is used as deepana (appetizer), grahi (astringent) and krimighna (antihelmintic).
  • Bark decoction of Jayanti Sesbania sesban stem is used in rakta dushti (blood impurities).
  • Patra swarasa (leaf juice) of Jayanti Sesbania sesban is useful in swara bheda (hoarseness of voice) and pratishyaya (common cold and flu).
  • Leaf decoction is used in ikshumeha (diabetes) and bahumutrata (polyuria).
  • Kalka (paste) of flowers are made in to a gruel and taken internally for 3 days after menstrual cycle as a contraceptive.
  • Paste of leaves is applied to head for treating hair diseases and decoction of leaves is used as a hair wash.
  • The decoction of leaves is used in hoarseness, throat infection, cold, coryza and cough ailments.
  • Leaves are cooked to vegetable which is given to the patient in case of relapsing coryzal tendency or chronic coryza.
  • Flowers are orally recommended as an anti fertility herbal remedy which carries classical base in textual sources.
  • Seeds are stimulant and astringent in property and heal chronic ulcers and eruptions. Seeds of Jayanti Sesbania sesban are also useful in diseases of spleen, diarrhoea and excessive menstrual flow.
  • Seeds of Jayanti Sesbania sesban removes small pox eruptions.
  • Seeds powder mixed with flour applied to itching of the skin and other skin infections.

Indications of Jayanti Sesbania sesban

Jayanti Sesbania sesban is indicated in following diseases –

  • Twag vikara (skin ailments), Kandu (itching)
  • Kustharoga – Shvitra (leucoderma)
  • Vidradhi (abscess)
  • Sandhi sotha (inflammation of joints)
  • Jangama Visa (animal poisons like scorpion bite/ sting)
  • Kesya (good for hairs) – khalitya (baldness), Palitya (premature greying of hairs)
  • Galaganda (goiter)
  • Prameha (diabetes and polyuria)
  • Pliharoga (spleenomegaly)
  • Masurika (chicken pox)
  • Slaishmika vikara (kapha dominance) – svara bheda (hoarsness of voice), pratishyaya.
  • Kashtartava (dysmenorrhea), rajarodha (amenorrhea)
  • Agnimandya (loss of appetiete), Atisara (dysentery) and Krimi (worm infestation).

Ayurvedic Properties

In Ayurveda, properties of every plants / drug is described by Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka and doshaghnata. Have a look below to know about Ayurvedic properties of Jayanti Sesbania sesban –

  • Rasa – Katu, Tikta
  • Guna – Laghu, Ruksha
  • Virya – Usna
  • Vipaka – Katu
  • Doshaghnata – Kapha Pitta shamaka, Tridosha hara.


  • Churna (Powder)- 2 – 6 gm
  • Swarasa (Juice) – 12 – 24 gm
  • Kashaya (Decoction) – 50 – 100 ml

Pharmaceutical Preparations

Many Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from Jayanti Sesbania sesban. A few are listed below –

  • Jaya vati
  • Mahapaishachika Ghritam
  • Ratnagiri Rasa


(Click on image to zoom)

Jayanti Sesbania sesban

Jayanti Sesbania sesban

Jayanti Sesbania sesban

Jayanti Sesbania sesban

(image source – theferns.info)

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