Chandraprabha Vati (Gutika/ tablet) is an Ayurvedic medicine.It is used in fever, asthma, cough, loss of consciousness, sinusitis, delirium, diminished vision, a heaviness of head etc. It is highly efficient and a fast acting drug. It should be taken under the supervision of a good Ayurvedic physician only.

Read Ayurvedic Tablets (Vati or Gulika) - Introduction, how to prepare & preserve

Ingredients of Chandraprabha Vati

  1. Chandraprabha (Karpura)
  2. Vacha
  3. Musta
  4. Bhunimba (Kiratatikta)
  5. Amrita (Guduchi)
  6. Daruka (Devadaru)
  7. Haridra
  8. Ativisha
  9. Darvi (Daruharidra)
  10. Pippalimula (Pippali)
  11. Chitraka
  12. Dhanyaka
  13. Haritaki
  14. Bibhitaka
  15. Amalaki
  16. Chavya
  17. Vidanga
  18. Gajapippali
  19. Shunthi
  20. Maricha
  21. Pippali
  22. Makshika dhatu bhasma (Swarna Makshika Bhasma)
  23. Yava kshara (Yava)
  24. Sarji Kshara (Svarjikshara)
  25. Saindhava lavana
  26. Sauvarchala lavana
  27. Vida lavana
  28. Trivrit
  29. Danti
  30. Patraka (Tejapatra)
  31. Tvak
  32. Ela (Sukshmaila)
  33. Vamshalochana (Vamsha)
  34. Hata loha (Lauha) bhasma
  35. Sita
  36. Shilajatu
  37. Guggulu

(Reference: Sharangadhara Samhita, Madhyamakhanad, Adhyaya- 7: 40-49)


1-2 tablet (500 mg) twice a day


Water, milk


  1. Vibandha (Constipation)
  2. Anaha (Distension of abdomen due to obstruction to passage of urine and stools)
  3. Shula (Colicky Pain)
  4. Granthi (Cyst)
  5. Pandu (Anaemia)
  6. Kamala (Jaundice)
  7. Mutrakricchra (Dysuria)
  8. Prameha (Urinary disorders)
  9. Ashmari (Calculus)
  10. Arsha (Haemorrhoids)
  11. Arbuda (Tumor)
  12. Mutraghata (Urinary obstruction)
  13. Antra Vriddhi (Hernia)
  14. Kati Shula (Lower backache)
  15. Kushtha (Diseases of skin)
  16. Kandu (Itching)
  17. Plihodara (Disorder of Spleen, Ascites associated with splenomegaly)
  18. Bhagandara (Fistula-in-ano)
  19. Dantaroga (Dental disease)
  20. Netraroga (Eye disorder)
  21. Aruchi (Tastelessness)
  22. Mandagni (Impaired digestive fire)
  23. Striroga (Gynaecological disorders)
  24. Artava Ruja (Dysmenorrhoea)
  25. Shukra Dosha (Vitiation of semen)
  26. Daurbalya (Weakness)

Therapeutic Uses

  1. In constipation and haemorrhoids (piles), it should be taken along with Triphala Gugulu (500mg) and Abhayarishta (15ml + 15ml water) twice a day after a meal.
  2. In abdominal distension, colic pain and bloating, it should be used with Shankha Vati (125mg), Shoolvajrini Ras (250mg) and Kumaryasava (15ml + 15ml water) twice a day after meal.
  3. In cyst or small tumour, it is used with Kachnar Gugul (500mg) and Punarnavadi Mandur (250mg) twice a day after a meal with lukewarm water.
  4. In anaemia and jaundice, it should be used with Punarnavadi Mandur (250mg) and Lohasava (15ml + 15ml water) twice a day after meal.
  5. In dysuria and other urinary disorders, it should be taken with Punarnavadi Vati (250mg) and Gokshuradi Gugul (500mg) twice a day after meal. Brihatyadi Kashayam (20ml + 60ml water) may also be taken twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and dinner.
  6. In renal calculus or stone, it should be taken with Hajrulyahud Bhasma (125mg), Gokshuradi Gugul (500mg), Punarnavadi Vati (250mg) twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and dinner. Chandanasava (15ml + 15ml water) twice a day after a meal may also be added.
  7. In urinary obstruction, Chandraprabha Vati is taken along with Shwet Parpati (125mg), Gokshuradi Gugul (500mg) and Punarnavadi Vati (250mg).
  8. In an inguinal hernia, it should be taken with Kachnar Gugul (500mg) and Punarnavadi Mandur (250mg) and Kumaryasava or Punarnavasava (15ml + 15ml water) twice a day after meal.
  9. In a low back pain, cervical pain, lumbar pain and sciatica, it should be taken with Trayodashang Gugul (500mg) and Ekangvir Ras (125mg) twice a day after meal. Balarishta (15ml) and Ashwagandharishta (15ml) mixed with 30ml water may also be added.
  10. In arthritis and joint pain, it should be taken with Yograj Gugul (500mg) and Punarnavadi Mandur (250mg) twice a day after meal. Maharasnadi Kashayam or Rasna Saptakam Kashayam (20ml + 60ml water) may also be taken twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and dinner.
  11. In itching and other skin diseases, Chandraprabha Vati is used along with Manjishthadi Kashayam or Nimbamrutadi Kashayam (20ml + 60ml water) and Gandhak Rasayan (250mg) twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and dinner. Khadirarishta or Mahamanjishtharishta (15ml+ 15ml water) may also be taken twice a day after meal.
  12. In diseases of liver and spleen, impaired digestion and tastelessness, Chandraprabha Vati is taken with Arogyavardhini Vati (250mg), Punarnavadi Mandur (250mg), Shankha Vati or Sutshekhar Ras (125mg) and Kumaryasava (15ml + 15ml water) twice a day after meal.
  13. In fistula in ano, Chandraprabha Vati is taken along with Saptavimsati Gugul (500mg), Gandhak Rasayan (250mg) and Arogyavardhini Vati (250mg) twice a day after meal. Jatyadi Oil is applied locally.
  14. In dysmenorrhea and other gynaecological problems, it is used with Ashokarishta or Kumaryasava (15ml +15ml water) twice a day after meal.
  15. In male sexual problems and infertility, it is used along with Shukrashodhan Vati or Shukramatrika Vati (250mg) and Gokshuradi Gugul (500mg) twice a day after meal.
  16. In general weakness, it is used with Ashwagandharishta or Lohasava (15ml + 15ml water) twice a day after meal.

Side Effects, Pregnancy Safety & Precaution

  1. No side effects reported.
  2. It is strictly prohibited during pregnancy.


Loheme Capsules: A natural hematinic formula
Defence Capsules: Increases platelets count naturally
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