Shallaki – Boswellia serrata

Shallaki Boswellia serrata is one of the herbs mentioned in all ancient scriptures of Ayurveda. Shallaki is widely accepted in modern medicine to treat arthritis, low back pain, slip disc, lumbar spondylosis etc.

  • Botanical Name of Shallaki is Boswellia serrata.
  • Family Name of Shallaki is Burseraceae.

Synonyms of Shallaki Boswellia serrata

  • Gandhamula
  • Sushrava
  • Mukhameda
  • Vallaki
  • Sushreeka
  • Gajabhakshya
  • Jalavikrama
  • Surabhi
  • Chinnaruha
  • Bahusrava
  • Gandhaphala
  • Suvaha
  • Hradya
  • Maheruna
  • Kunduru
  • Kundureeki
  • Kunda
  • Niryasa
  • Shallaki
  • Vanaparnika
  • Mukund
  • Vanya
  • Sugandha
  • Gandhakari
  • Mocha
  • Gandhaveera
  • Nimbapatra
  • Yakshadhupa
  • Ashwamutri
  • Pichchha
  • Kantarika
  • Peeta
  • Trasraphala
  • Jalatiktika
  • Mahataru
  • Vasamaharuba
  • Rasa
  • Sukhamoda
  • Sallaka
  • Rasala
  • Salli
  • Visheshadhupa
  • Surabhisrava
  • Surabhisillaki
  • Gajavallabha
  • Kumbhi

Vernacular Names

Shallaki Boswellia serrata is known by different names in different languages.

  • Arabic – Bastaj, Kundur, Luban
  • Bengali – Kundur, Laban, Salai
  • Canaries – Dupa, Guggula, Kunda Lobana, Sambrani, Tadika, Site
  • Chinese – Fan Hun Hsiang
  • English – Indian Olibanum tree
  • Gujarati – Salado, Dhupado, Gugali, Mukulsalai
  • Hindi – Salai, Kundur, Laban, Salga, Sali, Selgond, Salhe
  • Kannada – Madi, Guggula, Chitta, Guguladhupa
  • Malyalam – Salai, Kunturukkam, Samprani, Parangi, Mukundam
  • Marathi – Salai, Salphullie
  • Oriya – Loban
  • Persian – Kundur
  • Punjabi – Salhi
  • Spanish – Asbol, Dol incienzo
  • Tamil – Paraginavani, Parankisampirani, Parangi, Attam
  • Telugu – Sanibrani, Paraginsavani, Phirangi, Anduga, Guggilamu
  • Urdu – Kundur, Lobana

Classical Categorization

In Ayurvedic classics, plants have been categorized under Varga and Gana. Like wise Shallaki Boswellia serrata comes under –

  • Vatadi Varga, Pureesha virajaneeya kashaya skanda, Shirovirechaneeya dravya
  • According to Sushruta – Yeladigana, Kashaya skanda, Lodhradi Gana

Systemic Classification

  • Division – Angiosperm
  • Sub division – Dicotyledon
  • Class – Polypetallae
  • Sub class – Discflorae
  • Order – Geraniales
  • Family – Burseraceae

Prayojya Anga (Parts used)

Following parts of Shallaki Boswellia serrata are used in medicine –

  • Tvak (bark)
  • Niryasa (gum-resin)
  • Pushp (flowers)
  • Patra (leaves)
  • Phala (fruits)

Ayurvedic Properties 

In Ayurveda, properties of every plants / drug is described by Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka and doshaghnata. Ayurvedic properties of Shallaki Boswellia serrata are as follows –

Rasa – Katu, Tikta

Guna – Tikshna

Veerya – Anushna

Vipaka – Katu

Therapeutic Indications and Actions

Externally – Vedanasthapana (analgesic), Shothahara (used in inflammation and swelling), Durgandha nashaka (used in foul smell), Jantughna (antihelminth), Vrana shodhaka (cleaning of wounds), Vranaropaka (healing wounds).


  • Nadivaha Samsthana (central nervous system) – Medhya, used in Mastishka Daurbalya.
  • Pachana Samsthana (digestive system) – Deepaka (appetizer), Pachaka (digestive), Grahi (astringent), Vatanulomaka, Pureesha virajaneeya (changes abnormal color of stool to normal), used in Grahani (IBS and ulcerative colitis), Atisara (dysentery), Pravahika (diarrhea), jaundice and Agnimandya (loss of appetite).
  • Raktavaha Samsathana (circulatory system) – Raktastambhaka (coagulant) and hridya (cardiac tonic) and can be used in Hridroga (heart diseases).
  • Swasana Samsathana (respiratory system) – Kapha nissaraka (expectorant), Shleshmahara, Putihara (corrects bad smell from breath). It can be used in Kasa (a cough) and Shwasa roga (bronchitis and asthma).
  • Prajanana Samsthana (reproductive system) – Vrishya (aphrodisiac), used in Shukra daurbalya (thin semen) and for Artavajanana (anovulation and amenorrhea). It is also used in vaginal discharge and syphilis.
  • Musculo skeletal system – It is used in Vata vyadhi like osteoarthritis, back pain, lumbar spondylosis etc.
  • Mutravaha Samsthana (urinary system) – It is Mutrala (diuretic) and used in Mutrakrichchha (dysuria), Prameha (polyuria and diabetes) and Puyameha (pus in urine).

The bark of Shallaki Boswellia serrata is sweet in taste (madhura rasa), acrid, cooling and a tonic. It is good for vitiated condition of Pitta and Kapha. Decoction of bark is used in Asthma, Dysentery, Ulcer, Hemorrhoids (piles) and skin diseases.

Matra (Dosage)

Shallaki Boswellia serrata may be used in the following dosage –

  • Twak Kashaya – 50 ml to 100 ml
  • Oleo gum resin – 1gm to 3gm


There are many Ayurvedic Medicines in which Shallaki Boswellia serrata is used as an ingredient.

  • Shallaki Niryasa
  • Agaruvadya Taila

Photographs of Shallaki Boswellia serrata

(Click on image to zoom)

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image- Christian Artaria

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