Kadamba (Neolamarckia cadamba)

Basonym of Drug

The remarkable medicinal plant Kadamba, scientifically known as Neolamarckia cadamba, stands as a testament to its therapeutic significance.

Main Sanskrit Synonyms

Kadamba is embraced by a spectrum of Sanskrit synonyms, each reflecting its attributes and contributions in the realm of Ayurveda:

  1. Halipriya: It is liked by farmers.
  2. Vritta Pushpa: Highlighting its significance as a round shaped flowering plant.
  3. Suvasa: Emphasizing its good fragrance.
  4. Lalanapriya: Its flowers are liked by women.

Regional Name (Vernacular Names)

Kadamba’s influence permeates across various regions, resonating in its vernacular names that reflect its widespread recognition and use:

  • Hindi: Kadamb
  • Bengali: Kadamba
  • Marathi: Kadamba
  • Tamil: Kadambam
  • Telugu: Kadamba
  • Kannada: Kadu Bevu
  • Gujarati: Kadamb
  • Malayalam: Kadambu

Scientific Classification of Dravya

Kadamba finds its place within the scientific classification, providing insight into its botanical foundation:

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Phylum: Angiosperms
  • Class: Eudicots
  • Order: Sapindales
  • Family: Rubiaceae
  • Genus: Neolamarckia
  • Species: cadamba

Classical Classification of Dravya (Gana)

Charaka Samhita: Shukrashodhana, Vedanasthapana, Vamanopaga

Sushruta Samhita: Nyagrodhadi, Rodhradi

Bhavprakash Nighantu: Pushpa varga

External Morphology

Kadamba’s distinctive external features contribute to its identity:

  • Leaves: Broad, simple leaves with an alternate arrangement, showcasing a lush green hue and distinct veins.
  • Flowers: Clusters of small, fragrant, and vibrant orange to yellow flowers, adorning the tree with natural beauty.
  • Fruit: Round, woody capsules housing numerous seeds, symbolizing its fertility.

Useful Parts

Kadamba offers a plethora of useful parts, each holding unique therapeutic potential:

  • Bark: The bark is rich in medicinal properties and is commonly used for various herbal preparations.
  • Flowers: The flowers are valued for their aromatic fragrance and are used in perfumery and traditional medicine.
  • Leaves: Kadamba leaves find applications in various cultural practices, including serving as plates and making traditional items.
  • Fruit: While not extensively utilized in Ayurveda, the fruit’s seeds and pulp may have certain therapeutic applications.

Important Phytoconstituents

Kadamba’s therapeutic attributes are enriched by a range of essential phytoconstituents:

  1. Alkaloids: Kadamba is known to contain alkaloids with potential medicinal benefits.
  2. Flavonoids: These compounds contribute to the plant’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Essential Oils: The flowers possess essential oils that contribute to their aromatic and potentially therapeutic qualities.

Rasa Panchaka:

  1. Rasa (Predominant Taste): Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)
  2. Guna (Property): Ruksha (Dry)
  3. Veerya (Potency): Sheeta (Cold)
  4. Vipaka (Post-digestive Effect): Katu (Pungent)
  5. Prabhava: Tridoshahara 

Action on Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala:

Dosha: Kadamba primarily acts on the all three doshas, helping to balance and regulate its manifestations.

Dhatu: Kadamba influences the “Rasa” dhatu (Plasma) by promoting cleansing and nourishment at this foundational level.

Mala: It aids in the healthy elimination of waste products (Mala), contributing to overall detoxification and digestive health.

Prayogarha Vyadhi (Therapeutic Indications):

Kadamba’s versatile therapeutic indications encompass a range of health concerns:

  1. Digestive Support: Kadamba aids in improving digestion, relieving indigestion, and enhancing appetite.
  2. Skin Health: It is beneficial for managing skin disorders, promoting healthy complexion, and addressing skin irritations.
  3. Fever and Inflammation: Kadamba’s antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties make it useful in managing fevers and reducing inflammation.
  4. Blood Purification: It supports detoxification of the blood and helps in managing conditions related to impurities.
  5. Liver Health: Kadamba is beneficial for maintaining optimal liver function and supporting liver health.
  6. Respiratory Wellness: It aids in managing respiratory issues and promoting clear breathing.

Amayikaprayoga and Matra (Therapeutic Administration and Dose):

Kadamba can be administered and dosed in various ways:

  1. Decoction (Kwatha): Consuming Kadamba decoction helps address digestive issues and fever.
  2. Powder (Churna): Kadamba powder can be taken with honey or warm water to support skin health and detoxification.
  3. Herbal Formulations: It is a key ingredient in various Ayurvedic formulations designed for specific health concerns.

Dosages may vary based on the specific formulation and the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Vishishta Yoga (Names of Important Formulations):

Kadamba contributes its therapeutic essence to several important Ayurvedic formulations:

  1. Kadamba Kwatha: A decoction prepared with Kadamba, supporting digestion and overall wellness.
  2. Kadamba Churna: A powdered blend incorporating Kadamba for skin health and detoxification.
  3. Nyagrodhadi Kashaya: It is useful in all Pittaj diseases.

Vishakta Lakshan (Adverse Effects):

When used within recommended dosages, Kadamba is generally safe for most individuals. 

Chikitsopachara (Remedial Measures):

In case of adverse effects or Pitta imbalance, the following remedial measures can be taken:

  1. Cooling Diet: Consume foods that have a cooling effect on the body, such as sweet and bitter tastes.
  2. Hydration: Ensure adequate hydration by drinking cooling herbal teas and water.

Shodhana (Purification Method):

Kadamba typically does not require specific purification methods. However, it can be included in formulations where shodhana procedures are applied to other ingredients.

As always, consulting a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before using Kadamba or any herbal remedies is essential to ensure safe and effective integration into your wellness routine.

Consult our doctor at Ayurvite Wellness:

At Ayurvite Wellness, we are committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to individuals. Our team of experienced Ayurvedic doctors and wellness experts is dedicated to guiding you on your journey to optimal health. Whether you prefer a video consultation or an in-person clinic visit, we offer convenient and personalised consultation services to address your health concerns.

Video Consultation:

Our online video consultation service allows you to connect with our Ayurvedic doctors from the comfort of your home. Through a secure and confidential video platform, you can discuss for your disease management, receive personalised recommendations, and understand the best course of action for your specific needs. Our video consultation ensures accessibility and convenience without compromising the quality of care.

Clinic Consultation:

For those preferring an in-person consultation, our clinic consultation services provide you with the opportunity to meet our Ayurvedic doctors face-to-face. Our well-equipped and serene clinic environment ensures that you receive personalised attention and expert guidance throughout your consultation. Our doctors will carefully evaluate your health concerns, conduct thorough examinations, and design a treatment plan tailored to your unique health profile.

At Ayurvite Wellness, we believe in a holistic approach to healthcare, combining the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with modern medical science. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about your disease management, and we are committed to supporting you every step of the way.

To schedule a video consultation or book an appointment for a clinic consultation, please visit https://www.ayurvitewellness.com/treatment and take the first step towards a healthier and more balanced life.

Note: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment of any other medical condition.

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