Anemia is called “Pandu” in Ayurveda. Here is the information regarding its causes, types, symptoms, pathogenesis, treatment principles, and Ayurvedic medicinal formulations as mentioned in classical texts:

1. Nidana (causes) of Pandu (anemia):

Ayurvedic texts mention various causes for the development of Pandu. One shloka from Charaka Samhita (Chikitsa Sthana 17.36) states:

यात्ययामानपानादिवातः कफवृद्धिको दोषः।
क्लीबानां व्याधयो ज्वराः शोणितो दुष्टो विभागिनः॥

This shloka suggests that excessive indulgence in sexual activities, alcohol consumption, imbalances of Vata and Kapha doshas, diseases affecting the reproductive organs (such as impotence or infertility), and disorders of blood can lead to the development of Pandu.

2. Types of Pandu (anemia):

Ayurveda categorizes Pandu into different types based on the dominance of doshas involved. One shloka from Charaka Samhita (Chikitsa Sthana 17.38) explains:

वातपित्तश्लेष्मसंज्ञः कफवातः प्रकीर्तितः।
संज्ञयानां ह्ययं शेषो यथानुश्रूयतां मम॥

There is other reference of 5types of Pandu. Here are the five types of Pandu along with their causes:

  1. Vataja Pandu: Anemia caused by vitiated Vata dosha. It is characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, dryness, and reduced hemoglobin levels.

  2. Pittaja Pandu: Anemia caused by vitiated Pitta dosha. It is characterized by symptoms such as yellowish discoloration of the body, excessive thirst, heat intolerance, and reduced hemoglobin levels.

  3. Kaphaja Pandu: Anemia caused by vitiated Kapha dosha. It is characterized by symptoms such as paleness, coldness, heaviness, excess phlegm production, and reduced hemoglobin levels.

  4. Sannipatika Pandu Roga: Anemia caused by the simultaneous aggravation of all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). It exhibits a combination of symptoms seen in Vataja, Pittaja, and Kaphaja Pandu.

  5. Mruttika Bhaksha Janya Pandu Roga: Anemia caused by the ingestion of clay or earth substances (Geophagia). It is characterized by symptoms such as paleness, weakness, digestive disturbances, and reduced hemoglobin levels.

3. Poorvaroopa (prodromal symptoms) and Roopa (clinical features) of Pandu:

Poorvaroopa refers to the premonitory symptoms, while Roopa refers to the clinical features of the disease. The specific shlokas mentioning the Poorvaroopa and Roopa of Pandu are not available in the provided references.

4. Lakshana (symptoms) of Pandu:

The symptoms of Pandu (anemia) are described in various classical texts. One shloka from Charaka Samhita (Chikitsa Sthana 17.39) provides a general description:

दृष्टपूर्वं हिमाद्रौणि बलहीनत्वं च शोषणम्।
अरुचिरं निद्राभङ्गं पाण्डुत्वं निगदन्ति च॥

This shloka mentions that the common symptoms of Pandu include paleness, dryness of the skin, weakness, emaciation, loss of appetite, disturbed sleep, and paleness of the conjunctiva.

5. Samprapti (pathogenesis) of Pandu:

The pathogenesis or samprapti of Pandu is described in Ayurvedic

texts. However, specific shlokas related to the samprapti of Pandu are not available in the provided references.

6. Chikitsa Sutra (treatment principles) of Pandu:

The treatment principles for Pandu involve balancing the doshas, improving digestion and metabolism, promoting the production of healthy blood, and addressing the underlying causes. The specific shlokas mentioning the Chikitsa Sutra of Pandu are not available in the provided references.

7. Suggestive Shodhana Chikitsa (purification therapies) for Pandu:

In some cases, Shodhana Chikitsa (purification therapies) may be advised by Ayurvedic practitioners to eliminate accumulated toxins and balance the doshas. Specific shlokas mentioning the suggestive Shodhana Chikitsa for Pandu are not available in the provided references.

8. Aushadh Yoga (medicinal formulations) for Pandu:

In classical Ayurvedic texts, several medicinal formulations are mentioned for the treatment of anemia (Pandu). These formulations are composed of various herbs, minerals, and other ingredients known for their therapeutic properties in addressing anemia. Here are some commonly mentioned Ayurvedic medicinal formulations for anemia:

1. Lohasava: It is an Ayurvedic liquid formulation containing iron and other herbal ingredients. It is beneficial in managing anemia and improving hemoglobin levels.

2. Punarnavasava: This formulation contains Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) and other herbs. It helps in increasing red blood cell count and improving overall blood health.

3. Navayasa Churna: It is a mixture of nine metals prepared in a powdered form. It is used in the treatment of anemia and helps in improving blood quality.

4. Pippalyadi Churna: This churna is a combination of herbs like Pippali (long pepper), Maricha (black pepper), and Shunti (ginger). It aids in digestion, improves metabolism, and supports the absorption of nutrients, including iron.

5. Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) Rasayana: Amalaki is a potent rejuvenating herb rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. It helps in improving hemoglobin levels and overall vitality.

6. Draksharishta: This Ayurvedic tonic is prepared using grapes (Draksha) and other herbs. It promotes blood production, boosts energy, and helps in managing anemia.

It’s important to note that these formulations should be taken under the guidance and supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner, as they can vary in composition and dosage depending on individual needs and specific doshic imbalances. Consulting an Ayurvedic expert will ensure the formulation is tailored to your unique requirements.

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