Shami – Prosopis cineraria

Shami Prosopis cineraria is a medicinal tree. It is well known by Hindus for its spiritual uses. Medicinally it is used in various skin diseases, diseases of eyes, digestive problems and respiratory illness.

  • Botanical name of Shami is – Shami Prosopis cineraria.
  • The family name of Shami is – Mimosaceae.

In this post, I tried to compile in brief about medicinal properties, uses, indications, dosage and photographs of Shami Prosopis cineraria tree.

Classical Categorization

In Ayurvedic classics, plants have been categorised under Varga and Gana. Likewise, Shami Prosopis cineraria comes under –

  • Gana – Asavayoni gana
  • Varga – Aushadhi varga, Vatadi varga, Aamradi Varga, panchabhringa, Shalmayadi varga.

Vernacular Names

Shami Prosopis cineraria is known by different names in different languages.

  • English – Indian Mesquite, shamee, sponge tree.
  • Hindi – Chikur, Rhejri, Chonkar, Sami, Shami, Chinkur, chokara, chonkara, chounkar, chourkara, sepada, taant, safet kikar, shame, jhand
  • Rajastani – Khejri, Rhejri, Loong
  • kannada – Banni mara, Banni ele, Shamee patre, Perumbe, Perunje, Vunne, vanni Kashanti
  • Telugu – Jammi chettu
  • Tamil – Vanni, Jambu, kalisam, kulisam, parambai, perabe, perumbe, Sami, seemaimullu, sivaa, thamali,
  • Marathi – Saunder, savandad, shamee, shambaree
  • Bengali – Shami,
  • Punjabi – Jund, Bishnois, Janti
  • Gujarati – Samadi, Khijadi
  • Malayalam – Parampu, Marampu, Thawi Vanni,
  • Telugu – Jammi chettu, Jammi, Jambi, priyadarshini, shamichetta


In Ayurveda, many synonyms of Shami Prosopis cineraria tree has been described in Sanskrit. Few of them are listed below –

  • Shami
  • Shiva
  • Lakshmi
  • Mangalya
  • Tunga
  • Agnigarbha
  • Ishani
  • Shanku phala
  • Shankari
  • Saktu phala.
  • Shamira
  • Chikur

Systemic Classification

  • Kingdom – Plantae
  • Subkingdom – Tracheobionta-Vascular plants
  • Superdivision – Spermatophyta-Seed plants
  • Division – Magnoliophyta-flowering plants
  • Class – Magnoliopsida-dicotyledons
  • Subclass – Rosidae
  • Order – Fabales
  • Family – Fabaceae-Pea family
  • Genus – Prospis L.-Mesquite
  • Species – Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce-Jand

Useful Parts

Following parts of Shami Prosopis cineraria tree is used as medicine –

  • Twak (stem bark)
  • Phala (fruit)

Indications of Shami Prosopis cineraria

Shami is indicated in

  • Kushtha (skin diseases)
  • Granthi (cysts and tumour)
  • Bala roga (diseases of children)
  • Kapha pitta vyanga vikara (blemishes and hyperpigmentation due to Kapha and Pitta)
  • Kasa (cough)
  • Swasha (bronchitis and asthma)
  • Arsha (piles)
  • Krimi roga (worm infestation)
  • Atisara (dysentery)
  • Pravahika (diarrhoea)
  • Amatisara (a type of dysentery)

Ayurvedic Properties

In Ayurveda, properties of every plants / drug are described by Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka and doshaghnata. Below are Ayurvedic properties of Shami Prosopis cineraria.

  • Rasa – Madhura Kasaya
  • Guna – Guru, Ruksha
  • Virya – Sheeta
  • Vipaka – Katu
  • Doshaghnata – Kapha-Pitta shamaka


  • Kwatha (decoction) – 20 to 60 ml
  • Phala churna (seed powder)- 2 to 5 gm

Vishishta yoga (Pharmaceutical Preparation)

Shami Prosopis cineraria is used as an ingredient is following Ayurvedic medicine –

  • Ksharagada


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Shami Prosopis cineraria 1


Shami Prosopis cineraria 2


Shami Prosopis cineraria


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Shami Prosopis cineraria 3

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