Abscess- An Ayurvedic View

An abscess is a collection of pus in any part of the body, along with swelling and inflammation around it (in most of the cases). An abscess is an infection characterized by a collection of pus underneath a portion of the skin (commonly) or any part of body. Bacteria commonly causing abscesses are Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus. These bacteria enter the skin through any cracks or injury to the skin. That area of skin then becomes red, tender, warm, and swollen over days to 1–2 weeks and a fever may develop. Most abscesses causes local pain and tenderness. If they are close enough to the surface of the skin, there is likely to be redness and swelling. Deeper abscesses can cause fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite. If an internal organ is involved, there can be symptoms resulting from disruptions in the functioning of that organ.

According to Ayurveda:

In Ayurveda a term “Vidradhi is described as abscess. Vidradhi is a shalya kriya sadhya roga (surgical ailment). In start of the abscess it may be cured by medicines orally or local application but surgical management is necessary after pus formation.


According to affected region abscess may be classified in following types:

  1. Breast abscess
  2. Lung abscess
  3. Brain abscess
  4. Liver abscess
  5. Bone abscess
  6. Testicle abscess
  7. Tonsil abscess
  8. Skin abscess
  9. Tooth abscess
  10. Colon abscess
  11. Appendix abscess
  12. Eyelid abscess
  13. Sebaceous abscess
  14. Dental abscess
  15. Bartholin abscess
  16. Pilonidal abscess
  17. Anorectal abscess
  18. Spinal cord abscess
  19. Epidural abscess

There are six types of Vidradhi described in Ayurveda (Acc. To Sushruta Samhita):

  1. Vataj:    Blackish red colored, irregular borders, very painful
  2. Pittaj:    Udumber phala varna (ficus fruit colored), burning sensation, fever may present, suppurative (pus formation)
  3. Shleshmaj (Kaphaj):       Pandu varna (pale yellow colored), cold in touch, pain is less, takes time for suppuration
  4. Sannipataj:         mixed symptoms of above three
  5. Raktaj:  Highly suppurative and painful, resembles with pittaj type.
  6. Abhighataj (Agantuj):    It is caused due to any external trauma or accident.


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