Ayurvedic terminology of common diseases, symptoms, indication

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of medicine practised since the classical time. Sanskrit, which is accepted as the mother of all languages, was the only language used in India at that time. All the Ayurvedic classical texts were written in Sanskrit (mostly in shloka form) by great Indian saints (Acharya & maharishi). Since then, almost all the Ayurvedic terminology, are still in its original Sanskrit form. For the peoples around the world, it is very difficult to understand what did these Ayurvedic terminology mean.

This article may act as a reference for all of them. I have compiled most of the Ayurvedic terms and their English translation in this article below.

List of Diseases in Ayurveda, Ayurvedic terminology and their English equivalents –

  1. Abhighatabhicari Jvara- Fever due to physical or psychological trauma
  2. Abhinyasa Jvara- Meningitis
  3. Abhishyanda- Conjunctivitis
  4. Adhimantha- Glaucoma
  5. Adhmana- Flatulance with gurgling sound
  6. Adhyavata- Gout
  7. Adrishti- Loss of eyesight
  8. Aghata- Trauma
  9. Agni Vikrti- Impaired digestion
  10. Agnidagdha- Burn injury
  11. Agnimandya- Digestive impairment
  12. Agnivikara- Diseases due to vitiation of Agni
  13. Ajirna- Dyspepsia
  14. Akshepa- Convulsions
  15. Akshiroga- Eye disease
  16. Alasaka- Intestinal atony
  17. Alasya- Laziness
  18. Amadosha- Products of impaired digestion and metabolism / consequences of Ama
  19. Amagrahani – Sprue associated with indigestion
  20. Amaja shoola- Intestinal colic due to indigestion
  21. Amajirna- Indigestion due to Ama
  22. Amajvara- Fever due to indigestion
  23. Amashoola- Colicky Pain due to Ama
  24. Amatisara- Diarrhoea due to indigestion/ Ama
  25. Amavata- Rheumatism
  26. Amladaha- Hyperacidity
  27. Amlapitta- Dyspepsia
  28. Amsaphalaka shoola- Pain in Scapular region
  29. Amsatapa- Burning sensation in scapular region
  30. Anaha- Distension of abdomen due to obstruction to passage of urine and stools
  31. Anda shoola- Testicular pain
  32. Andhatva- Blindness
  33. Angadaha- Burning sensation all over the body
  34. Angamarda- Body ache
  35. Angastambha- Body stiffness
  36. Anidra- Insomnia
  37. Antardaha- Internal Burning sensation
  38. Antarvidradhi- Internal abscess
  39. Antarvidradhi- Internal abscess
  40. Antra Vrddhi- Hernia
  41. Antrashoola- Intestinal colic
  42. Apachi- Chronic lymphadenopathy / scrofula
  43. Apana Vayu Nirodha- Obstruction of flatus
  44. Apasmara- Epilepsy
  45. Apatanaka- Tetanic convulsions
  46. Apatantraka- Hysteria with loss of consciousness
  47. Arbuda- Tumor
  48. Ardhavabhedaka- Migraine
  49. Ardita- Facial palsy
  50. Ardita vata- Facial palsy
  51. Arma- Pterygium
  52. Arochaka- Tastelessness
  53. Arsha- Haemorrhoids
  54. Arshoroga- Haemorrhoids
  55. Artava Ruja- Dysmenorrhoea
  56. Artava Vedana- Dysmenorrhoea
  57. Artavadosha- Vitiation of Artava
  58. Aruchi- Tastelessness
  59. Ashmari- Calculus
  60. Ashmarikshaya- Urinary calculus
  61. Ashta Jvara- Eight types of Fever
  62. Ashthila- Prostatic Hyperplasia
  63. Aspashta bhashana- Incoherent speech
  64. Asrigdara- Menorrhagia or Metrorrhagia or both
  65. Asrigdara Ruja- Dysmenorrhoea
  66. Asthi Bhanga- Bone fracture
  67. Asthi Chyuti- Dislocation of bones, joints
  68. Asthi Ruja- Ostealgia
  69. Asthi Srava- Discharge from bones
  70. Asthichyuta – Dislocation of bones, joints
  71. Asthigata Vata- Vata confined to bones
  72. Asthishosha- Osteoporosis
  73. Asthivata- Bone diseases due to Vata dosha
  74. Asya Roga – Diseases of buccal cavity
  75. Atisara- Diarrhoea
  76. Atopa- Gurgling found in abdomen with pain
  77. Audumbara Kushtha- Patchy leprosy / lepromatous leprosy
  78. Avabahuka- Brachialgia, Frozen shoulder
  79. Avrana shukra- Corneal opacity
  80. Ayama- Stretching
  81. Baddhapurisha- Hard stools
  82. Badhiratva- Deafness
  83. Badhirya- Deafness
  84. Bahu shosha- Muscular wasting of forearm
  85. Bahumootra- Polyuria
  86. Bahushoola- Pain in arm
  87. Bahyadaha- Burning sensation
  88. Bahyayama- Opisthotonos
  89. Bala Graha- Specific disorders of children
  90. Bala Roga- Diseases of children
  91. Bala shosha- Emaciation in children
  92. Bala- Strength / Immunity
  93. Bala- Strength / Immunity
  94. Balakshaya- Loss of strength / immunity
  95. Balavarna Kshaya- Loss of physical strength and complexion
  96. Balya Improves physical strength
  97. Basti roga- Diseases of urinary system
  98. Basti ruja- Pain in urinary system
  99. Bastigata roga- Disorders of urinary system
  100. Bhagandara- Fistula-in-ano
  101. Bhasmaka- Polyphagia with emaciation
  102. Bhoota Badha- Psychological disorder
  103. Bhoota Visha- Microbial infection
  104. Bhootonmada- Exogenous psychosis
  105. Bhrama- Vertigo
  106. Bhroo-shankha-Karnashoola- Trigeminal neuralgia
  107. Bhuja bala- Physical Strength
  108. Bradhna Vriddhi- Hernia
  109. Buddhi Bhrama- Dementia
  110. Buddhi Daurbalya- Weak intelligence
  111. Buddhi kshaya- Impaired intelligence
  112. Buddhimandya- Low intelligence
  113. Chaladanta- Loose tooth
  114. Charmadala- Exfoliative dermatosis
  115. Charmaroga- Skin disorders
  116. Chhardi- Emesis
  117. Dadru kushtha- Taeniasis
  118. Dadru- Taeniasis
  119. Dagdha Vrana- Burn ulcer
  120. Daha- Burning sensation
  121. Damsha Vrana- Ulcer due to bites
  122. Damshtra Visha- Poisonous bite
  123. Dandapatanaka- Tetanus / Plenosthotonus
  124. Danta bandha- Lock jaw
  125. Danta Chalana- Loose tooth
  126. Danta Krimi- Dental caries
  127. Danta- Nakha Kshata- Injury caused to teeth and nails
  128. Danta roga- Dental disease
  129. Danta Roga- Disease of tooth
  130. Danta shoola- Dental Pain
  131. Dantapida- Pain in Teeth
  132. Dantasaushirya- Dental caries
  133. Dantodbhava Jvara- Dentitional fever
  134. Dantodbhava Kalina Jvara- Fever during dentation
  135. Daruna Vishoocika- Severe gastro enteritis
  136. Daurbalya- Weakness
  137. Deha shithilata- Unenergetic body
  138. Deha shoola- Bodyache
  139. Dhanurvata- Tetanus / Plenosthotonus
  140. Dhatu Kshaya- Tissue wasting
  141. Dhatugata Atisara- Diarrhoea resulting in tissue wasting
  142. Dhatushosha- Cachexia
  143. Dhatustha Jvara- Fever due to dosha residing in particular Dhatu
  144. Dhvajabhanga- Failure of penile erection
  145. Doora drishti- Hypermetropia / Hyperopia
  146. Drishti Daurbalya- Weakness of vision
  147. Drishti Lopa- Defects in eye sight
  148. Dukha Prasava- Difficult labour
  149. Dushta nadi vrana- Infected/ non healing fistula
  150. Dushta pinasa- Infected/ non responding rhinitis
  151. Dushta Vrana- Non-healing ulcer
  152. Ekanga shosha- Wasting of one limb
  153. Gadha vitkata- Constipation
  154. Gala Roga- Diseases of throat
  155. Galaganda- Goitre
  156. Galagraha- Difficulty in swallowing
  157. Galashosha- Dryness in throat
  158. Gambhira Vrana- Deep ulcer
  159. Ganda mala- Cervical lymphadenitis
  160. Ganda- Maxillar prominence
  161. Gandoopada Krimi Roga- Ascariasis
  162. Gara dosha- Effects of slow / accumulated poison
  163. Gara- Slow / accumulated poison
  164. Gara Udararoga- Abdominal disorder due to slow / accumulated poison
  165. Gara Visha- Slow / accumulated poison
  166. Garbha dosha- Foetal anomaly
  167. Garbha shrava- Threatened abortion
  168. Garbhapata- Abortion
  169. Garbhashaya chyuti- Uterine prolapse
  170. Garbhashaya Dosha- Uterine disorder
  171. Garbhashaya roga- Disorders of Uterus
  172. Garbhini Daha- Burning sensation during pregnancy
  173. Garbhini Jvara- Pyrexia during pregnancy
  174. Garbhini Roga Disorders during Pregnancy
  175. Garbhini Roga- Disorders during pregnancy
  176. Gatra Kampa- Tremors
  177. Gatra Kandoo- Generalised pruritus
  178. Gatra shaitya- Cold calm extremities
  179. Gatrashoola- Bodyache
  180. Gatrashosha- Wasting of limbs
  181. Graha Dosha- Psychosis
  182. Graha roga- Psychosis
  183. Grahani Dosha- Disorders of small intestine
  184. Grahani- Malabsorption syndrome
  185. Grahani Roga- Malabsorption syndrome
  186. Granthi- Cyst
  187. Granthiruk- Pain in cyst
  188. Gridhrasi- Sciatica
  189. Griva shushkata- Wasting in cervical region
  190. Griva Stambha- Neck Stiffness
  191. Guda Nihsarana- Rectal prolapse
  192. Guda Roga- Anorectal disease
  193. Guda Ruja- Pain in the anorectal area
  194. Guda shoola- Pain in the anorectal area
  195. Guda shopha- Swelling in the anorectal area
  196. Guda shotha- Inflammation of the rectum
  197. Gudabhramsha- Prolapse of the rectum
  198. Gudankura- (Arsha) Piles
  199. Guhya vrana- Ulcer in genitalia
  200. Gulma- Abdominal lump
  201. Halimaka- Chronic obstructive Jaundice/Chlorosis/Advanced stage of Jaundice
  202. Hanu graha- Lock jaw
  203. Hanu shopha- Swollen Jaw
  204. Hanu stambha- Lock jaw
  205. Hasta kampa- Tremors in hands
  206. Hasta Pada Daha- Burning sensation in palms and soles
  207. Hasta pada Roga- Disease of the limbs
  208. Hidhma- Hiccup
  209. Hikka- Hiccup
  210. Hinamamsa- Lack of muscle tissue
  211. Hricchhoola- Angina pectoris
  212. Hrid daha- Burning sensation in heart region
  213. Hrid daurbalya- Weakness of the heart
  214. Hridaya daurbalya- Weakness of heart
  215. Hridaya shoola- Angina pectoris
  216. Hridayagra Vridhhi- Ventricular Hypertrophy
  217. Hridroga- Heart disease
  218. Hridruja- Angina pectoris
  219. Hridyavirecaka – laxative
  220. Hrillasa- Nausea
  221. Hritgraha- Cardiac failure
  222. Hritkampa- Cardiac fibrillation
  223. Hritshoola- Angina pectoris
  224. Indralupta – Alopecia
  225. Jalamrita – Drowning
  226. Jalodara – Ascites
  227. Jangha Janugata – Vata Pain in calf and knee
  228. Jangha Ruja – Pain in thigh
  229. Jangha shoola – Pain in calves
  230. Jangha shopha – Swelling in the thigh
  231. Janghoru-Prishtha-Trikasthana-Vastigatashoola – Pain in calves-thighs-back-sacral and bladder region
  232. Janu shoola – Pain in the knee
  233. Janu Stabdhata – Stiffness of the knee
  234. Jara – Senility/ Progeriasis
  235. Jara dosha – Senility
  236. Jarayu Dosha – Vitiation of placenta
  237. Jathara – Stomoch
  238. Jatharagni  – Digestive fire
  239. Jatumani – Congenital mole
  240. Jihvastambha Glossal palsy
  241. Jirna jvara – Chronic fever
  242. Jirna Kasa – Chronic cough
  243. Jvara- Fever
  244. Jvaratisara- Diarrhoea with fever
  245. Kacchoo- Itching
  246. Kacha- Cataract
  247. Kamala- Jaundice
  248. Kampa- Tremor
  249. Kandoo- Itching
  250. Kantha daha- Burning sensation in throat
  251. Kantha Roga- Disease of throat
  252. Kantha roga- Disorders of Throat
  253. Kanthabandha- Feeling of bandage around neckDrishti Lopa- Defects in eye sight
  254. Kapha dosha- Vitiation of Kapha dosha
  255. Kapha Jvara- Fever due to Kapha dosha
  256. Kaphaja Agnimandya- Impaired digestive fire due to diminished agni
  257. Kaphaja Hridroga- Heart disease due to Kapha dosha
  258. Kaphaja Kasa- Cough due to Kapha dosha
  259. Kaphaja Roga – Disease due to Kapha dosha
  260. Kaphaja sandhibandha- Stiffness in joints due to Kapha dosha
  261. Kaphaja shoola- Pain due to Kapha dosha
  262. Kaphapitta- Disease due to Kapha dosha and Pitta dosha
  263. Kaphapitta- Kushtha Skin disease caused by Kapha and Pitta dosha
  264. Kaphapittajashoola- Pain due to Kapha and Pitta dosha
  265. Kaphapittaroga- Disease due to Kapha dosha and Pitta dosha
  266. Kaphapraseka- Excessive salivation
  267. Kapharoga- Disease due to Kapha dosha
  268. Kaphavataja- Nadi Vrana Fistula due to Kapha, Vata
  269. Kaphavataroga- Disease due to Kapha and Vata dosha
  270. Kaphavikara- Disorders due to vitiation of Kapha dosha
  271. Kaphonmada- Psychosis due to Kapha dosha
  272. Kaphotklesha- Nausea
  273. Karna Krimi- Worm infestation in Ear
  274. Karna Roga- Disease of ear
  275. Karna Shrava- Otorrhoea
  276. Karnagata- Nadivrana Fistula in Ear
  277. Karnanada- Tinnitus
  278. Karnapaka- Otitis externa diffusa
  279. Karnaruja- Otalgia
  280. Karnashoola- Otalgia
  281. Karshya- Emaciation
  282. Kasa- Cough
  283. Kashta artava- Dysmenorrhoea
  284. Kati Graha- Stiffness in lumbo-sacral region
  285. Kati shoola- Lower backache
  286. Kati-ooru-Prishtha Daurbalya- Weaknes and lower backache radiating to thighs
  287. Katiruja- Backache
  288. Katistambha- Restricted movement of the lumbo-sacral region
  289. Kativata- Disorders of lumbo-sacral region due to vitiated Vata dosha
  290. Kaubja- Hump/Kyphosis
  291. Kesha- Patana Falling of hair
  292. Keshapata- Falling of hair
  293. Keshashata- Loss of hair
  294. Khalitya- Alopecia
  295. Khanja- Limping
  296. Khanja- Vata Limping
  297. Khudaka- Limping
  298. Kilasa- Vitiligo
  299. Kitibha- Depigmentation
  300. Klama- Tiredness without exertion/Langour
  301. Kledi- Vrana Oozing/weeping ulcer
  302. Koshtha shoola- Pain in abdomen
  303. Koshtha Vikara – Disorders of abdomen
  304. Koshtharuja – Pain in abdomen
  305. Kotha – Urticaria
  306. Kricchrartava – Dysmenorrhoea
  307. Krimi – Helminthiasis/Worm infestation
  308. Krimi Roga – Worm infestation
  309. Krimija Hridroga – Bacterial endocarditis
  310. Krishata – Emaciation/Cachexia
  311. Krishatva – Emaciation
  312. Kritrima Visha – Synthetic poison
  313. Kroshtuka Sirsha – Synovitis of Knee joint
  314. Kshata Kshaya – Emaciation due to injury
  315. Kshata Kshina – Debility due to chest injury
  316. Kshata – Wound
  317. Kshataja Kshaya – Emaciation due to injury
  318. Kshaya – Pthisis
  319. Kshayaja Kasa – Cough due to Pthisis
  320. Kshina Retas – Oligospermia
  321. Kshina shukra – Oligospermia
  322. Kshinendriya – Impaired senses
  323. Kshudra Kushtha – Group of minor skin diseases
  324. Kubja – Hump-back/Kyphosis
  325. Kubja Roga – Hump-back/Kyphosis
  326. Kubja Vata – Kyphosis
  327. Kubjata – Dwarfism
  328. Kukoonaka – Ophthalmia neonatorum
  329. Kukshi Ruja – Pelvic pain
  330. Kukshishoola – Pelvic pain
  331. Kumbhakamala – Hepatitis
  332. Kushtha – Diseases of skin
  333. Lalajihvata – Excess salivation
  334. Loota Visha – Poison of Spider
  335. Loota-Vrshcika-Sarpavisha – Poison of Scorpion, Spider and Snake
  336. Mada – Intoxication
  337. Madatyaya – Alcoholism
  338. Madhumeha – Diabetes mellitus
  339. Madyapanaja Vikara – Ailments due to Intoxication of Fermented liquids
  340. Mahakushtha – Group of major skin diseases
  341. Mahatapa – Severe body temperature
  342. Mahavata Roga – Major neurological disorder
  343. Majjagata Vata – Bone marrow related disorder
  344. Majjavata – Bone marrow disorder
  345. Malabandha – Constipation
  346. Malashodhaka – Laxative
  347. Mamsa Kshaya – Muscle Atrophy
  348. Mamsa – Muscle
  349. Mamsa Vriddhi – Muscle Hypertrophy
  350. Manasa Dosha – Mental disorders
  351. Mandabuddhitva – Retarded intellect
  352. Mandadrishti – Diminished vision
  353. Mandagni – Impaired digestive fire
  354. Mandajvara – Low-grade fever
  355. Mandala Kushtha – Lepromatous lesion
  356. Mandala Vrana – Ulcers
  357. Manodaurbalya – Mental weakness
  358. Manodosha – Mental disorder
  359. Manoglani – Depression
  360. Manoroga – Psychological Disorder
  361. Manovibhrama – Delirium
  362. Manovikara – Mental disorder
  363. Manya Stambha – Neck rigidity/Torticollis
  364. Manyaroga – Diseases of Neck
  365. Manyastambha – Neck rigidity/Torticollis
  366. Marma vikara – Disorders of vital points
  367. Marmashrita vrana – Ulcers in vital points
  368. Marmavata – Vitiation of Vata in Vital points
  369. Mashaka – Mole
  370. Masoorika jvara – Eruptive fever
  371. Mastaka Bhrama – Vertigo
  372. Mastishka roga – Disorders of Brain
  373. Meda – Adipose tissue
  374. Medha – Intelligence
  375. Medhalpata – Retarded intelligence
  376. Medhra roga – Penile diseases
  377. Medhya – Brain tonic/nootropic
  378. Medo roga – Obesity
  379. Medo vikara – Disordes of Fat
  380. Medo vriddhi – Obesity
  381. Medodosha – Disorder of adipose tissue
  382. Medogata vata – Disease of adipose tissue affected by vitiated Vata
  383. Meha – Excessive flow of urine
  384. Moha – Delusion
  385. Moodha Garbha – Malpresentation of the foetus
  386. Moodha Vata – Obstructed movement of Vata dosha
  387. Moodhata – Entrapment of Vata
  388. Mookata – Aphasia
  389. Moola Visha – Poisoning due to roots of plants
  390. Moorccha Kampa – Tremors due to syncope
  391. Moorccha – Syncope
  392. Mooshika Visha – Rat poisoning
  393. Mootra sharkara – Urinary calculus
  394. Mootra Vibandha – Retention of urine
  395. Mootra virechanartha – Diuresis
  396. Mootrabandha – Retention of urine
  397. Mootradosha – Urinary disorders
  398. Mootraghata – Urinary obstruction
  399. Mootrakricchra – Dysuria
  400. Mootraroga – Urinary diseases
  401. Mootrasada – Oligouria
  402. Mootrasanga – Obstruction in urinary tract
  403. Mootratisara – Polyurea
  404. Moudhyam – Stupidity
  405. Mukha Daurgandhya – Halitosis
  406. Mukha Paka – Stomatitis
  407. Mukha Roga – Disease of mouth
  408. Mukha Roga – Disease of mouth
  409. Mukha shosha – Dryness in mouth / buccal cavity
  410. Mukhadurgandha – Halitosis
  411. Mukhadurgandhya – Halitosis
  412. Mukhajadya – Restricted movement of jaw
  413. Mukha-Karna-Nasa-Akshi Vikrti – Disorders of Mouth, Ear, Nose and Eyes
  414. Mukhapaka – Mouth ulcer
  415. Nabhi shoola – Pain in umbilical region
  416. Nadi vrana – Fistula
  417. Naktandhya – Night blindness
  418. Naktandhya – Night blindness
  419. Napumsakata – Impotency
  420. Nasa Roga – Disease of nose
  421. Nashta Pushpa – Amenorrhoea
  422. Nashtashukra – Oligospermia/ Azoospermia
  423. Nasika durgandha – Ozena
  424. Nava jvara – Acute fever
  425. Nayana Roga – Disease of the eye
  426. Netra Adhimamsa – Pterygium
  427. Netra Daha – Burning sensation in eyes
  428. Netra drishti – Eyesight
  429. Netra Kandoo – Itching in eyes
  430. Netra Ruja – Pain in eyes
  431. Netra vikara – Disorder of eye
  432. Netra Vrana – Corneal ulcer
  433. Netrabhishyanda – Conjunctivitis
  434. Netradrishti – Eye sight
  435. Netraroga (Dhavanartha) – Eye disorder (for cleansing)
  436. Netraroga – Eye disorder
  437. Netrasrava – Chronic dacrocystitis/epiphora
  438. Nilika – Mole
  439. Nyaccha – Naevus/mole/ blemishes
  440. Oja kshaya – Loss of body strength (immunity)
  441. Ojo kshaya – Loss of body strength (immunity)
  442. Pada daha – Burning sensation of feet
  443. Padminikantaka – Papilloma of skin
  444. Paittika Netra Roga – Eye disease due to Pitta dosha
  445. Pakshaghata – Paralysis/Hemiplegia
  446. Pakshavadha – Paralysis/Hemiplegia
  447. Pakshmakopa – Trichiasis/Entropion
  448. Paktishoola – Duodenal ulcer
  449. Pakvatisara – Chronic diarrhoea
  450. Palita – Greying of hair
  451. Palitya – Greying of hair, particularly of scalp
  452. Pama – Eczema
  453. Pana vibhrama – Delirium due to alcohol intoxication
  454. Panajirna – Alcoholic intoxication
  455. Panatyaya – Acute alcoholism
  456. Pandu – Anaemia
  457. Pandu Roga – Anaemia
  458. Pangu – Paraplegia
  459. Pangu vata – Paraplegia
  460. Pangutva – Paraplegia
  461. Parigarbhika Roga – Kwashiorkor
  462. Parikarta/ parikartika – Fissure-in-ano
  463. Parinama shoola – Duodenal ulcer
  464. Parisarpa – Erysipelas
  465. Parshva shiroruja – Hemicrania
  466. Parshva shoola – Intercostal neuralgia and pleurodynia
  467. Parshva shopha – Pleural effusion
  468. Parshva shopha – Swelling in lateral part of chest region
  469. Parshvaruja – Intercostal neuralgia and pleurodynia
  470. Patala Arbuda – Growth in layers of eye
  471. Patala – Layers of Eye
  472. Patala Roga – Disorders of layers of eye
  473. Phakka Roga – Ricketts
  474. Phiranga Roga – Syphilis
  475. Phiranga – Syphilis
  476. Phirangaja Vrana – Chancroid
  477. Phupphusa Roga – Lung disorders
  478. Picchasrava – Mucoid discharge
  479. Pidaka – Carbuncle
  480. Pinasa – Chronic rhinitis/sinusitis
  481. Pipasa – Thirst
  482. Pitaka – Boil/Carbuncle
  483. Pitta Daha – Burning sensation due to Pitta dosha
  484. Pitta Jvara – Fever due to Pitta dosha
  485. Pitta Roga – Disease due to Pitta dosha
  486. Pittaja Gulma – Tumour due to Pitta dosha
  487. Pittaja Kushtha – Skin disorders due to Pitta dosha
  488. Pittaja Netra Roga – Eye disease due to Pitta dosha
  489. Pittaja Pandu – Anaemia due to Pitta dosha
  490. Pittaja Roga – Disease due to Pitta dosha
  491. Pittaja shirahshoola – Headache due to Pitta dosha
  492. Pittaja shiroruja – Headache due to Pitta dosha
  493. Pittaja shvasa – Asthma due to Pitta dosha
  494. Pittaja Unmada – Insanity due to Pitta dosha
  495. Pittarsha – Piles due to Pitta dosha
  496. Pittatisara – Diarrhoea due to Pitta dosha
  497. Pittavikara – Disorder of Pitta dosha
  498. Pittavyadhi – Disease of Pitta dosha
  499. Pliha Roga – Splenic disease
  500. Pliha – Splenic disease
  501. Pliha Vriddhi – Splenomegaly
  502. Plihamaya – Splenic disease
  503. Pliharuja – Pain due to splenic disease
  504. Pliha-Yakrid roga – Disorder of Spleen and Liver
  505. Plihayakritvriddhi – Enlargement of liver and Spleen
  506. Plihodara – Disorder of Spleen, Ascites associated with spleenomegaly
  507. Pooyasrava – Secretion of pus
  508. Pradara – Excessive vaginal discharge
  509. Pralapa – Delirious speech
  510. Pralepaka Jvara – Hectic fever
  511. Prameha and Mootramarga Roga – Polyurias and diseases of Urinary tract
  512. Prameha – Pidaka Diabetic carbuncle
  513. Prameha – Urinary disorders
  514. Praseka – Excessive salivation
  515. Prasoota vata – Puerperal disorder
  516. Prasveda – Excessive sweating
  517. Pratishyaya – Coryza
  518. Pratitooni/ pratooni – Renal/ureteric colic
  519. Pratyashthila – Distended, Regid abdomen resembling paralytic Ileus
  520. Pratyashthila – Rectovesical tumour
  521. Pravahika – Dysentery
  522. Prishtha Ruja – Pain in the lower back
  523. Prishtha shoola – Backache
  524. Prishtha Stambha – Stiffness of the Lower back
  525. Purana jvara – Chronic fever
  526. Purana Tvagroga – Degenerative/Chronic Skin disorder
  527. Rajahkricchra – Scanty menstruation (Oligomenorrhea)
  528. Rajayakshma – Tuberculosis
  529. Rajo shoola – Dysmenorrhea
  530. Rajodosha – Menstrual disorder
  531. Rajorodha – Obstruction to menstrual flow
  532. Rakta Dosha – Vitiation of Blood and its components
  533. Rakta Nishthivana – Blood stained sputum
  534. Raktakasa – Coughing up blood from the respiratory tract-hemoptysis
  535. Raktakshaya – Blood loss
  536. Raktapitta – Bleeding disorder
  537. Raktapradara – Menorrhagia or Metrorrhagia or both
  538. Raktapravahika – Bacillary dysentery
  539. Raktaroga – Diseases of blood
  540. Raktarsha – Bleeding haemorrhoids
  541. Raktasrava – Haemorrhage
  542. Raktatisara – Diarrhoea with Bleeding
  543. Raktavami – Haematemesis
  544. Raktavataja shopha – Inflammation due to Rakta and Vata dosha
  545. Raktavikara – Disorders of blood
  546. Rasayana – Nutrient to body and mind with adapto-immuno-neuro-endocrino-modulator properties
  547. Rasayanarthi – Person seeking Rasayana effect
  548. Ratryandha – Night blindness (Nyctalopia)
  549. Retovikara – Diseases of Semen
  550. Ruja – Pain
  551. Sahaja Arshoroga – Congenital haemorrhoids
  552. Samadosha Dosha – afflicted by Ama
  553. Samipa Drishti – Myopia
  554. Samnyasa- Coma
  555. Sandhi Pida – Joint pain
  556. Sandhigata Vata – Osteoarthropathy
  557. Sandhivata – Osteoarthritis
  558. Sanjnanasha/ Sangyanasha – Loss of consciouness
  559. Sannipata Jvara – High grade fever due to vitiation of all Dosha
  560. Sannipata Roga – Disease due to vitiation of all Dosha
  561. Santatajvara – Continuous Fever
  562. Sanyasa – Coma
  563. Saptadhatugata Jvara – Fever due to involvement of all seven dhatu
  564. Sarpa Visha – Snake poison
  565. Sarpadamsha – Snake bite
  566. Sarpadamshta – Snake bite
  567. Saruja Vrana – Painful ulcer
  568. Sarva Balaroga – All types of Pediatric conditions
  569. Sarva Dhatu shosha – Emaciation of all tissues
  570. Sarva Jvara – All types of fevers
  571. Sarva Kricchra Sadhya Roga – All types of disorders with difficult prognosis
  572. Sarva Roga – All diseases
  573. Sarva shoola – All kinds of pain
  574. Sarvajvara – All types of fevers
  575. Sarvanga Graha – Stiffness and Tightness in all limbs
  576. Sarvanga Grahana – Stiffness and Tightness in all limbs
  577. Sarvanga Kampa – Generalized tremors
  578. Sarvanga shotha – Anasarca
  579. Sarvanga shotha – Generalized tremors
  580. Sarvanga Vata – Quadriplegia
  581. Sarvatisara – All types of diarrhoea
  582. Satatadi Jvara – Continous fever and the like
  583. Savrana shukra – Corneal ulcer/Ulcerative keratitis
  584. Sharira Varna Hani- Change in body complexion
  585. Sharkara- Gravel in urine
  586. Sharkarameha- Crystalluria
  587. Shastraprahara Vrana- Wounds due to sharp weapons
  588. Shighra shukra Skhalana- Premature ejaculation
  589. shirahkampa- Tremor/Shaking of head
  590. shirahshoola- Headache
  591. shirodaha- Burning sensation in the head
  592. shirogata Vata- Neurological disorders of head
  593. shirograha- Stiffness in head
  594. shirogriva Stambha- Stiffness in head and neck
  595. shiroroga- Disease of head
  596. shiroruja- Headache
  597. Shita Jvara- Fever with chills
  598. Shitapitta- Urticaria
  599. Shleshma jvara- Fever due to Kapha dosha
  600. Shleshmapittaja Kasa- Cough due to Kapha and Pitta
  601. Shleshmavikara- Disorder due to Kapha dosha
  602. Shleshmodara- Ascites due to Kapha dosha
  603. Shlipada- Filariasis
  604. Shmashru Patana- Falling of hair of beard and moustache
  605. Shookadosha- Ulcer on penis due to chemical agents
  606. Shoola- Colicky Pain
  607. Shoolaroga- Gastric ulcer/Duodenal ulcer/Colic
  608. Shootikaroga- Post Partum disease
  609. Shopha- Oedema
  610. Shosha- Cachexia
  611. Shotha- Inflammation
  612. Shotha Roga- Inflammatory disease
  613. Shrama- Fatigue/ lethargy
  614. Shravana Lopa- Impaired hearing
  615. Shroni shoola- Pain in pelvic region
  616. Shukla- Opacity
  617. Shukra Dosha- Vitiation of semen
  618. Shukra Kshaya- Deficiency of semen
  619. Shukra- Semen
  620. Shukra Vikara- Disorders of semen
  621. Shukrakshaya- Oligospermia
  622. Shukrameha- Spermatorrhoea
  623. Shukraroga- Diseases of semen
  624. Shushkarsha- Non bleeding Haemorrhoids
  625. Shvasa- Dyspnoea/Asthma
  626. Shvasanaka- Jvara Pneumonia
  627. Shvayathu- Oedema
  628. Shveta Pradara- Leucorrhoea
  629. Shvitra- Leucoderma/ Vitiligo
  630. Shvitra roga- Leucoderma/ Vitiligo
  631. Sidhma –  Pityriasis versicolor
  632. Sikata Vartma – Granular Eyelid disorder
  633. Skandha shushkata – Emaciation of shoulder
  634. Smriti bhrama – Impairment of memory
  635. Smriti Bhramsha – Impairment of memory
  636. Smriti Daurbalya – Weak memory
  637. Smriti hani – Loss of memory
  638. Smriti Kshaya – Loss of memory
  639. Smriti kshina – Decrease in memory
  640. Smriti – Memory
  641. Smriti nasha – Loss of memory
  642. Smritiprada – Improves memory
  643. Snayu Bhagna – Tendon tear
  644. Snayu daurbalya – Rupture of ligaments
  645. Snayu ruja – Pain in tendons
  646. Snayu vata – Inflammation of ligaments
  647. Soma roga – Polyuria in females
  648. Sooryavarta – Sinusitis
  649. Sootika Jvara – Post-partum Fever puerperal fever
  650. Sootika Roga – Puerperal disease
  651. Sootika Vata – Neurological disorders of puerperium
  652. Sparsha shoonyata – Lack of tactile sensation
  653. Sphota – Boil
  654. Sphotaka – Boil
  655. Srotorodha – Obstruction to srotas
  656. Stana shoola – Pain in breast tissue
  657. Stanya Dushti – Vitiation of breast milk
  658. Stanya dvesha – Aversion to breast milk
  659. Stanya Kshaya – Decrease in breast milk
  660. Sthaulya – Obesity
  661. Sthavara Visha – Poison of plant and mineral origin
  662. Sthoolata – Obesity
  663. Stimita – Feeling of Numbness
  664. Stri roga – Gynaecological disorders
  665. Supta jihvatva – Numbness of tongue
  666. Supta Vata – Numbness
  667. Svapna dosha – Nocturnal emission
  668. Svara bheda – Hoarseness of voice
  669. Svara hina – Aphasia
  670. Svara karshya – Aphasia
  671. Svara Kshaya – Aphasia
  672. Sveda – Sweat
  673. Svedadhikya – Excessive Sweating
  674. Tamaka shvasa – Bronchial asthma
  675. Tandra – Lassitude
  676. Taruna Jvara – Acute fever
  677. Tilaka – Non-elevated mole
  678. Timira – early stage of Catract
  679. Timira Roga – Blindness
  680. Tooni – Neuralgic pain renal/ureteric colic
  681. Tridoshaj atisara – Diarrhoea due to all Dosha
  682. Trika Ruja – Pain in sacral region
  683. Trika shoola – Pain in sacral region
  684. Trika shopha – Swelling in sacral region
  685. Trishna – Thirst
  686. Trit – Thirst
  687. Tvag dosha – Skin disorder
  688. Tvag roga – Skin disease
  689. Tvagrakta dosha – Skin and blood disorder
  690. Tvak rakta rog – Skin and blood disorder
  691. Tvak raukshya – Dryness of skin
  692. Udakodara – Ascites
  693. Udara – Diseases of abdomen / enlargement of abdomen
  694. Udararoga – Ascites
  695. Udararuja – Pain in the abdomen
  696. Udarashoola – Pain in the abdomen
  697. Udarda – Urticaria
  698. Udavarta – Condition in which there is upward movement of vayu
  699. Ugra Atisara – Severe Diarrhoea
  700. Unmada Hridroga – Insanity Heart disease
  701. Unmada – Mania/Psychosis
  702. Upadamsha – Syphilis/Soft chancre
  703. Upadamshaja Vrana – Chancroid
  704. Upajihvika – Epiglottis
  705. Urahkshata – Chest wound / injured chest/ disease of lungs
  706. Urastoya – Pleural effusion/ Hydrothorax
  707. Urdhva Jatrugata Roga – Diseases of head and neck
  708. Urdhva raktapitta – Bleeding from orifices of the upper part of the body
  709. Urdhvagata Raktapitta – Bleeding from orifices of the upper part of the body
  710. Urdhvajatrugata Roga – Disorders of body parts above clavicle
  711. Urdhvanga Ratkapitta – Bleeding from orifices of the upper part of the body
  712. Urdhvanga Roga – Disordrs of Head and brain
  713. Urdhvashvasa – Shallow breathing/ Shortness of breath
  714. Uro graha – Stiffness and Tightness in the chest
  715. Uro roga – Disease of thorax
  716. Uru graha – Stiffness in thighs
  717. Uru shoola – Pain in thighs
  718. Uru shopha – Swollen thighs
  719. Uru stambha – Stiffness in thigh muscles
  720. Used as Rasayana, Vajikara, Medhya, Smrtivardhaka Nutrient to body and mind with adapto-immuno-neuro-endocrino-modulator properties, Aphrodisiac, Brain Tonic / Nootropic, Improves memory
  721. Utklesha – Nausea
  722. Vaak- Speech
  723. Vaivarnya – Discolouration
  724. Vajikara and Rasayana – Aphrodisiac and Nutrient to body and mind with adapto-immuno-neuro endocrino-modulator properties
  725. Vajikara – Aphrodisiac
  726. Vajikarana – Aphrodisiac
  727. Vajikaranartha – For aphrodisiac property
  728. Vakdosha – Disorder of speech
  729. Vaksha shushkata – Emaciation of chest muscles
  730. Vaksvara Bhanga – Impairment of speech and voice
  731. Vaktra ruja – Pain in mouth
  732. Vali Palita – Wrinkles in skin and greying of hair
  733. Vali – Wrinkles in the skin
  734. Valmika Arbuda – Malignant growth (Cancer)
  735. Vami – Vomiting
  736. Vandhyaroga – Infertility
  737. Vandhyatva – Infertility
  738. Vankshana Ruja – Pain in groin
  739. Vankshana shoola – Pain in the groin
  740. Varcho vibandha – Impaction due to Hard stools
  741. Vardhma – Hernia
  742. Varna – Complexion
  743. Varna Vikara – Pigmentation disorder
  744. Varna Vikriti – Pigmentation disorder
  745. Vartma Roga – Disease of eye lids
  746. Vasti roga – Diseases of urinary bladder
  747. Vasti shoola – Pain in urinary bladder
  748. Vata Gulma – Lump due to Vata dosha
  749. Vata Jvara – Fever due to Vata dosha
  750. Vata Kapha Jvara – Fever due to Vata dosha and Kapha dosha
  751. Vata Kapha Roga – Disease due to Vata dosha and Kapha dosha
  752. Vata Kaphaja Gulma – Lump due to Vata dosha and Kapha dosha
  753. Vata Kaphaja Roga – Disease due to Vata dosha and Kapha dosha
  754. Vata Pittaja Roga – Disease due to Vatadosha and Pitta dosha
  755. Vata shleshma Roga – Disease due to Vata and Kapha dosha
  756. Vata Vaigunya – Abnormality of Vata dosha
  757. Vata Vidradhi – Abscess due to Vata dosha
  758. Vata Vyadhi – Disease due to Vata dosha
  759. Vataja Grahani – Malabsorption due to Vata dosha
  760. Vataja Kasa – Cough due to Vata dosha
  761. Vataja shiroruja – Headache due to Vata dosha
  762. Vataja shoola – Pain due to Vata dosha
  763. Vatajaroga – Disease due to Vata dosha
  764. Vatakapha roga – Disease due to Vata Kapha dosha
  765. Vatakaphaja Grahani – Malabsorption due to Vata Kapha dosha
  766. Vatakundalika – Scanty and painful flow of urine
  767. Vatapitta Jvara – Fever due to Vata dosha and Pitta dosha
  768. Vatapitta Roga – Disease due to Vata dosha and Pitta dosha
  769. Vatapittaja – Vastiroga Disorder of Urinary tract and Bladder due to Vata Pitta dosha
  770. Vatapittakapha Vrana – Ulcer due to Vata Pitta Kapha dosha
  771. Vatarakta – Gout
  772. Vataraktaruja – Pain due to Vatarakta
  773. Vataroga – Disease due to Vata dosha
  774. Vatashleshma Jvara – Fever due to Vata dosha and shleshma dosha
  775. Vatashleshma Pratishyaya – Rhinitis due to Vata dosha and shleshma dosha
  776. Vatashleshmaja kshaya – Pthisis due to Vata dosha and shleshma dosha
  777. Vatashleshmaja Roga – Disorders of Vata Kapha dosha
  778. Vatashleshmaja Vrishana shotha – Inflammatory swelling/ ulceration of scrotum due to Vata Kapha dosha
  779. Vatashleshmatisara – Diarrhoea due to Vata and Kapha dosha
  780. Vatashonita – Gout
  781. Vatashoola – Pain due to Vata dosha
  782. Vatavikara – Disorder due to Vata dosha
  783. Vatodara – Distention of abdomen due to gases
  784. Vayushoola – Colicky Pain due to Vata dosha
  785. Vibandha – Constipation
  786. Vicharchika – Eczema
  787. Vidradhi – Abscess
  788. Vidvibandha – Constipation
  789. Vipadika – Scaly lesions on palms and soles
  790. Vipluta Yoni roga – Disorder of Vagina(vaginismus)
  791. Virecaka – Purgative
  792. Virechanartha – For purgation
  793. Virya kshaya – Azoospermia
  794. Visarpa – Erysipelas
  795. Visha – Poison
  796. Visha Vikara – Disorders due to poison
  797. Visha vikara – Morbidity due to Poisonous substance
  798. Vishamagni – Impaired digestion power
  799. Vishamajvara – Intermittent fever
  800. Visharpa – Erysipelas
  801. Vishoochi  – Gastro-enteritis with piercing pain
  802. Vishoochika – Gastro-enteritis with piercing pain
  803. Vishtambha – Constipation
  804. Vishvachi – Brachial neuralgia
  805. Visphota – Blister
  806. Visphotaka – Blisterous eruption
  807. Vitbandha – Constipation
  808. Vitsanga – Constipation
  809. Vrana Dosha – Ulcer
  810. Vrana – Ulcer
  811. Vranopachara – Ulcer debriding agent
  812. Vriddhi – Inguino-scrotal swellings
  813. Vriddhi roga – Inguino-scrotal swellings
  814. Vrikka roga – Disorders of Kidney
  815. Vrikka shola – Kidney Pain
  816. Vrishya Rasayana Medhya – Aphrodisiac and Nutrient to body and mind with adapto-immuno-neuro-endocrino-modulator properties, Brain Tonic / Nootropic
  817. Vrishya shakti – Vigour/Aphrodisiac strength
  818. Vyadhikarshita Nashtashukra – Oligospermia due chronic illness
  819. Vyanga – Pigmentation disorder
  820. Yakrit roga – Disease of liver
  821. Yakrit vikara – Disorder of liver
  822. Yakrit vriddhi – Enlargement of liver (Hepatomegaly)
  823. Yakritodara – Enlargement of liver (Hepatomegaly)
  824. Yakritpliha roga – Disorder of Liver and Spleen
  825. Yakritpliha Shoola – Pain due to hepatic and splenic diseases
  826. Yakritpliha vriddhi – Enlargement of liver and spleen
  827. Yakritplihodara – Disease of liver and spleen
  828. Yakshma – Tuberculosis
  829. Yauvana Pidika – Acne vulgaris
  830. Yoni bhramsha – Prolapse of Vaginal wall
  831. Yoni dosha – Disorder of female genital tract
  832. Yoni roga – Disease of female genital tract
  833. Yoni ruja – Vaginal Pain
  834. Yoni sankochaka – Vaginal constricting agent
  835. Yoni shoola – Pain in female genital tract
  836. Yoni Vikara – Disorder of Vagina

Hence, in this article, 839 types of commonly used Ayurvedic terminology and their English equivalents has been compiled. These Ayurvedic terminology now can be easily undertandible, and translated to other languages with reference to their English translations.

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