Tintidika – Rhus parviflora

Introduction of Tintidika Rhus parviflora – 

Tintidika Rhus parviflora is a medicinal plant used in anorexia, heart diseases, musculo-skeletal diseases etc. It is used externally or internally.

  • Botanical name of Tintidika is Rhus parviflora.
  • Family name of Tintidika is Anacardiaceae.

tintidika rhus parviflora

(Image source – tasteofnepal.blogspot.in)


Vernacular Names (Names in different languages) of Tintidika Rhus parviflora – 

Tintidika Rhus parviflora has different names in different regions and languages.

  • Sanskrit – Tintidika
  • Hindi – Samakdan
  • English – Sumac
  • Marathi – Samaka Kadana
  • Nepali – Satibair
  • Punjabi – Khatte Masoor
  • Kashmir – Samak


Systemic Classification of Tintidika Rhus parviflora – 

  • Kingdom – Plantae
  • Sub-kingdom – Tracheobionta-vascular Plants
  • Division – Magnoliophyta-flowering plants
  • Class – Magnoliopsida-Dicotyledons
  • Subclass – Rosidae
  • Order – Sapindales
  • Family – Anacardiaceae
  • Genus – Rhus
  • Species – Parviflora


Useful Parts of Tintidika Rhus parviflora – 



Chemical Constituents of Tintidika Rhus parviflora – 

It is highly rich in tannin.




Ayurvedic Properties of Tintidika Rhus parviflora – 

  • Rasa – Amla
  • Guna – Lakhu, Ruksha
  • Virya – Ushna
  • Vipaka – Amla
  • Doshaghnata – Vata hara


Actions of Tintidika Rhus parviflora – 

According to Ayurveda, following actions (Karma) are performed by Tintidika Rhus parviflora in our body –

  • Dipana (appetizer)
  • Grahi (astringent)
  • Hridroga hara (cures heart diseases)
  • Vataroga hara (cures musculo- skeletal diseases)
  • Ama Pachana (digestive)
  • Ruchya


Therapeutic Uses of Tintidika Rhus parviflora – 

  • Fruit juice is credited with vermifuge properties.
  • In toothache the hot infusion used for gargling.
  • In conjunctivitis it is applying in eyes.
  • In case of oedema paste is applied on the affected area.
  • In rhinitis, the paste is applied in forehead.


Dosage of Tintidika Rhus parviflora – 

Chrurna – 3 – 6 gm


Ayurvedic Medicines –

  • Yavani shadava Churna
  • Pathadi churna
  • Vyoshadi vati

Photographs of Tintidika Rhus parviflora – 

Click on image to enlarge

tintidika rhus parviflora tintidika rhus parviflora tintidika rhus parviflora tintidika rhus parviflora

(Image source – flickr.com 1 2 3 4)

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