Bed Sore (Dushta Vrana)

Ayurvedic Medicine for Bed SoreBedsore or pressure ulcer may be correlated with dushta vrana in Ayurveda. We have already discussed about dushta vrana in separate post. You may also refer Rakta mokshana (blood letting). In bloodletting, Jalauka avacharana (leech therapy) is recommended in case of bedsore because it is painless and suitable for weak and emaciated patients. As we know, bed sore is commonly caused due to long term bedridden condition in a chronic disease when patient needs complete bed rest. In this article we will discuss in brief on all the suggestive treatments available in Ayurveda.

Note – Every disease require proper care and management under supervision of expert doctor. Please consult your doctor before trying any remedy or advise.

Local Ayurvedic medicine for bed Sore – 

  1. Nimba kwath (decoction made from Neem tree leaves) or Triphala Kwath (mixture of Haritaki, Baheda and Amalaki) is used to clean the wound with the help of cotton or as a wash by dhara (pouring liquid in affected part).
  2. Jatyadi Taila (Oil) or Jatyadi Ghritam (ghee) is applied in wound. It acts as a disinfectant, and having antimicrobial property and helps in fast healing.
  3. Jalauka avacharana (leech therapy) is also recommended in non healing wound. It is performed by an expert in Ayurvedic clinics or hospital.

Internal Ayurvedic Medicines for Bed Sore – 

Dosage and choice of Ayurvedic medicine may be different in different cases. Following Ayurvedic medicines are suggested for bed sore –

1.  Tal Sindur- 2 gm

Giloya Sat- 10 gm

Rasa Manikya- 2 gm

Punarnava Mandur- 10 gm

Chopchinyadi Churna- 10 gm

– Mix all of the above mentioned medicinal combination and make 50 parts from them. Take 1 part twice a day with honey or water empty stomach.
2. Gandhaka Rasayan Tablet- 250 mg

Arogya Vardhini Vati- 250 mg

– Take both tablets twice a day with lukewarm water after meal.

Other Ayurvedic medicine for bed sore –

  • Sarivadyasava – 15 ml to 20 ml mixed with equal quantity of water, twice a day after meal.
  • Mahamanjishthadi Kwatha – 15 ml to 20 ml mixed with equal quantity of water, twice a day after meal.
  • Khadirarishta – 15 ml to 20 ml mixed with equal quantity of water, twice a day after meal.
  • Amritarishta – 15 ml to 20 ml mixed with equal quantity of water, twice a day after meal.
  • Shonitamritam kashayam – 15 ml to 20 ml mixed with 60 ml of water, twice a day 1 hour before meal.
  • Gugulu tiktakam ghritam – 10 gm at bedtime with lukewarm milk or water.
  • Mahatiktaka ghrita – 10 gm at bedtime with lukewarm milk or water.
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