10 Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes – Classical and patent

Diabetes is described in Ayurveda under Prameha chapter. There are many Ayurvedic medicines available in the market for diabetes. These are two types – one is classical (shashtrokta) and other are proprietary (patent). Haridra, Meshashringi (Gurmar), Methika, Nimba, Jambu, Kataka etc. are single herbs which are found to be effective in decreasing blood sugar level. This […]

10 Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes – Classical and patent Read More »

Diabetes in Ayurveda – Symptoms and Treatment (Prameha)

Diabetes in AyurvedaDiabetes is a chronic metabolic disease condition involving the disorder of carbohydrate metabolism. You can find a lot of information on diabetes in various books, journals and on the internet. In this article, I will focus more on what Ayurveda describes diabetes by the term Prameha or madhumeha, its history, types, symptoms and treatment.

Diabetes in Ayurveda – Symptoms and Treatment (Prameha) Read More »

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