Gastroenteritis (Amashaya Antra Shotha)

Following Ayurvedic medicines are suggested for gastroenteritis-

1.Giloya Sat: 10 gm

Kamdudha Ras: 10 gm

Panchamrit Parpati: 5 gm

Shankha Bhasm: 5 gm

Swarna Basant Malti Ras: 1 gm

Mix all of these medicinal combinations and make 30 parts. Take 1 part twice daily with honey or cow’s ghee or water empty stomach.
2.Sootshekhar Rasa- 250 mg

Punarnavadi Vati- 250 mg

Arogyavardhini Vati- 250 mg

Twice daily with water after meal.


3.Kumaryasava- 15 mlMix with 15 ml of water. Take it twice daily after meal.
4.Avipattikar Churna (if constipation)5-10 gm at bedtime with lukewarm water.


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