Epistaxis (Rakta Pitta – Nasamarga)

Epistaxis is commonly known as bleeding from nose. This is very common in some children.

  • Pressure over nostril for 3-5 minutes, tell patient to breathe through mouth. Try to keep his/ her chin high.
  • Place a wet towel in forehead.

Following Ayurvedic medicines are suggested for epistaxis-

1. Kamdudha Ras: 5gm

Kaharva Pishti: 5gm

Mukta Pishti: 2gm

Giloy Sat: 10gm

Godanti Bhasm: 5gm

Swarna makshik Bhasm: 5gm

Mix all of these medicinal combinations and make 30 parts. Take 1 part twice daily with honey or water empty stomach.
2. Bolabaddha Ras

Chandanadi Vati


250mg (1tab)

250mg (1tab)

Take twice daily with water after meal.


3. Ushirasava 15ml + 15ml water

Take twice daily after meal.


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